A new perspective for peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians based on the discovery of the formerly classified minutes from the...
The Narrative of Perpetual Palestinian Victimhood. Shelby Steele, Robert J and Marion E. Oster Senior Fellow, Hoover Institute, member of the Working...
Naim Peress, (JERUSALEM REPORT; Viewpoint Nov 7 ’11 Recipe for Disaster); states “…only 31 percent of the respondents to a poll...
This is an Exclusive Four part series on Information and Hasbara:what to do and what not to do. Tsvi Bisk is an...
This is an Exclusive Four part series on Information and Hasbara:what to do and what not to do. Tsvi Bisk is an...
By Dr. Syed Kamran Mirza. the author of Roots of Islamic Terrorism and co-author of Beyond Jihad and Leaving Islam-Apostates Speak Out. Another perspective in...
By Allen Hertz. This is the final report in a three part exploration of Antisemitism, its root and cause. We at Israel...
By Yoram Getzler Tens of deadly rockets are once again being fired from Gaza into southern Israel. Only this time the rockets...
By Yosef Kuperwasser and Shalom Lipner Why the PA Must Recognize a Jewish State. Nearly two decades of peace negotiations between...
by Guy Millière. In his speech to the UN General Assembly last month, Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, spoke of the United...
As the world is playing catch with the events in Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, Syria and other Arab Spring focal points, Iran is...
by Simon Plosker Thanks to Honest Reporting for this re-post. In an EXCLUSIVE email interview below, Italian freelance photojournalist Ruben Salvadori tells...
Simon Deng, a former South Sudanese slave in Islamist Northern Sudan, gave the following speech at Durban Watch Conference in New York on...
A clear and concise video on the history of the region and the narratives that developed over time.
Iron Dome intercepts two Grad rockets fired at Ashdod. Reports of imminent cease-fire emerge as 200,000 students remain home as a precaution....
..and I say that because Mr. Nusseibeh has been considered for decades as a peace partner extrodanaire, an example of the...
While Palestinian leader, Abu Mazen (Mahmoud Abbas) plays games on the international stage, his people in the Gaza Strip suffer. ...
…. On building a Palestinian state You cannot build a Palestinian state by demonising the Jewish one. …. How peace-seeking diplomats turn...
Photo by: REUTERS/Darren Whiteside By Barry Rubin. PA wants an independent state on all the West Bank, Gaza Strip and east Jerusalem...
We have two opinion pieces on this prisoner exchange. We are all pleased that Gilad is alive and well. We are happy...
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