Today, NGO Monitor released a report on the Israeli NGO Adalah and its misleading database that mischaracterizes Israeli laws as “racist.”...
Steve Kramer Just the day before, on November 18, President Obama said: “The thoughts and prayers of the American people are with...
Michael Shine Even those that would normally be considered to be intelligent beings, such as perhaps, the so-called experienced journalists...
Your heart was in the right place, but… Bio: Eiynah Toronto, Ontario, Canada I’m a Pakistani-Canadian illustrator/blogger who writes...
The Optimistic Jew * CHAPTER 6 * The Future of Arab-Jewish Relations A robust policy must have clearly defined first...
Thanks to Israel National News Mordechai Kedar Op-Ed by Mordechai Kedar In its own eyes, Islam came into the...
Mordechai Kedar: We do not understand the importance of non-state, non-national loyalties People tend to think of the Middle East...
One of the most important and profound lectures to date by Jonathan Sacks. This is for everyone who is concerned about...
Israel Who are the so-called “Palestinian people” ? What are the origins of the Arabs who call themselves today “Palestinians”...
Caroline Glick, former IDF officer, former advisor to PM Netanyahu and currently Senior Contributing Editor of the Jerusalem Post, spoke at...
Israel Since 2005, the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs has conducted opinion polls on the peace process, Israeli withdrawal to...
Barry Shaw Despite Obama’s late decision to launch air strikes he has only tickled the enemy. He could do more....
Jack Cohen This is ridiculous, since Israel is central to any reconstruction in Gaza, and most of the goods needed for the...
Jack Cohen Note that this was before the ravages of trench warfare of WWI and the actual introduction of tanks...
Steve Kramer Most American supporters of Israel consider that the US government has high regard for Israel and that it...
Tsvi Bisk We are serializing this article by our friend and colleague Dr. Tsvi Bisk, PHD. Western powers, led by...
The so-called ‘War on Terror’ is a ludicrous concept. Terror is a tactic and you cannot wage war on a tactic....
. Jack Cohen How has Israel obtained this intelligence? There are two sources, first Israel has been constantly flying drones over Syrian...
Question: Is the US response to the Islamic State (ISIL), announced by Pres. Obama and being carried out in bombing raids...
Since the beginning of the Gaza war, many Jews in Israel and the Diaspora have been shocked by the virulent anti-Zionism...
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