Barry Shaw – Anti-Semitism, and the “Different Experience” Nancy Pelosi tried to offset the storm of criticism against new Democratic congresswoman Ilhan...
Ben Shapiro – The Left Lends Cover to Anti-Semitism Ben Shapiro: The Left Lends Cover to Anti-Semitism and H/T ElderofZiyon This week,...
Steve Kramer – The Jewish Struggle From Time Immemorial Jew hatred is having a revival in the West. The honeymoon period, a...
Sabine Sterk – Goodwill In this crazy world where anti-Semitism and Israel hate is rising sky high, where you must look with...
Steve Kramer – Deja Vu in Europe “Will Europe’s Jews stop wearing kippahs [skullcaps]? Most already have,” was the lead article...
Barry Shaw – The Corbyns of this World Corbyn represents the shameful, sneaky, face of anti-Semitism. The one that accepts Jews who...
Jack Cohen – Anti-Semitism in Europe While all eyes in relation to anti-Semitism are turned towards the Polish attempt to absolve themselves...
HOWARD EPSTEIN: BEING LEFT – LICENCE TO SCRAPE THE BOTTOM In the Jerusalem Post last Friday, Rabbi Shmuley Boteach wrote that character...
Steve Kramer – Antisemitism On The Left I was shocked, but not surprised, to see the Washington Post feature an op-ed this...
Sabine Sterk – Can we do it? Switzerland, half of august 2017, an alarming message from Switzerland, a hotel hung very...
David Lawrence-Young – Shakespeare and the Jews One of the questions often asked about Shakespeare, and especially in connection with his play, The...
HOWARD EPSTEIN: ANTI-SEMITISM AND REALISM On BBC Radio 4’s Woman’s Hour earlier this week, Labour party leader, Jeremy Corbyn was interviewed by...
Israeli journalist: “European style anti-Semitism is coming to America” Israeli-born author, playwright and journalist Tuvia Tenenbom, who currently lives in Germany, discusses how many...
Michael Laitman: Jewish Self-Hatred Is the Leaven We Must Clear Out by Michael Laitman If there is any hatred more enigmatic than...
Barry Shaw – The Anti-Semitism of the American Left. Remember the hysteria at the start of March over a wave of bomb...
Sheri Oz – A Surprising Model For Fighting Antisemitism A model I developed for teaching sex education in a conservative and collectivist...
Michael Laitman: A Farewell to US Politics Jewish Busines News On February 23, Jonathan Martin and Alexander Burns of The New York...
Paula R. Stern – Respect and Honor and Gratitude Over a decade ago, I went to Poland with Amira, my oldest daughter....
Lee Diamond – Cry Wolf A dear friend Recently accused me Of overreacting! “There are more important Matters than searching With...
HOWARD EPSTEIN: WAKE UP AND SMELL THE IDEOLOGY For some time I have been telling myself that the problem of our age...
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