
Steve Ornstein – We Must Choose Life over Death and Good over Evil

Steve Ornstein   Steve Ornstein: Currently there is so much noise politically in Israel one can lose their way in the whirlwind of opinions. One thing is for sure, all eyes and all accusations are clearly focused on Israel. So much so that it is difficult to combat the constant barrage of lies, half-truths, and narratives infused with attempts to delegitimize the Jewish State. In other words: anti-Semitic canards dressed up as legitimate criticism.


Steve Ornstein

The hatred and violence toward Israeli supporters on campuses worldwide is beyond comprehension. Governments especially in the West have pretty much given their citizens the green light to openly express their hatred toward Israel and Jews in academia. Jewish students are aggressively attacked for being identified as Jewish and supporters of Israel. Real or imagined!

In Israel the extremes on both sides of the political spectrum manifest both verbal and physical aggressiveness.

Personal attacks appear to be mainstream and a legitimate means to express frustrated disagreement with government policy. More often than not alternative solutions are not provided.

Many of our so ­called religious leaders freely participate in the roar of the crowd while most of what they say gets drowned out by their hypocrisy and narrow agendas usually working against the best interests of the society as a whole.

I have friends involved in almost every avenue of “tikun olam” activities in Israel. Some misguided and some truly interested in helping in practical ways to improve the economic and social inequalities that are present in our society. Yet we hear a certain amount of condescending attitudes by them toward others resulting in limiting the effectiveness of these groups and their leaders.

I am optimistic by nature. I have been blessed with having sat with some great spiritual teachers in my life. Rabbi Heschel tz’l coined the phrase “radical amazement”. Where paradox rests in the understanding of the “knowing”. It is in the Here and Now where our Peace resides.

We must never lose sight to care for each other and support each other regardless of our differences. Respect for the “other” and to find our ability to truly see ourselves in each other. We all want to be loved and appreciated. Sharing in that understanding is Tikun Olam.

We have real enemies who want to destroy our way of life as a nation. Clarity of mind and soul understands what needs to be done without the hate and anger. We act out of deep understanding without rancor and with determination to do all we can do to stop those who have chosen “death” over “Life”.

Until our country and for that matter the rest of the world develops enlightened political leaders who understand that they have been vested with the responsibility to oversee the interests of the people and not just their personal agendas, we will  struggle with indecision and haphazard  results that will continue to cause endless suffering.

We must never give up hope. We are the people of HOPE. We have been blessed with a culture that cultivates ” LIFE”. We are all part of this amazing and blessed country that contributes so much to the world in so many fields regardless of religion, nationality, origin, or race.

We are a young country with so much to improve. We must pay attention to the “stranger” in our midst. We must respect and help all those in need. Where inequality has created social and economic burdens we must repair and make good on our promise to provide hope and not despair and to encourage everyone to live life fully.

Our religious leaders must open up their eyes to their causeless hatred for the other. They must also stop their hatred toward other streams of Judaism that doesn’t fit their understanding of Torah. We are One People, One Nation! If this is impossible for some then stand aside and let the younger more enlightened among us take over the responsibility to repair our country. .

The time has come for my generation to standby as advisors and if appreciated, as elders of the community with life experience worth sharing. But we must begin to let the younger generation into positions of leadership so that they can with their insight and energy take us to heights that we can only dream of.

May we all have the inner strength to live in wisdom and take responsibility to be there for our children and their children: The future is in their hands as we step aside and let them hopefully create a better place for all of Israel.

Am Yisrael Chai!


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