Another Terrorist attack rocks Israel, this time in a Synagogue (Bet Knesset) in “West” Jerusalem. Daily incitement by Abbas and the Palestinian Authority leadership has given a green light to kill Jews.
Steve Ornstein
The fact that the Temple Mount status quo was never in jeopardy but used by Fatah and Hamas to incite against Jews and Israel has brought absolute silence from the EU and the U.S. leadership. The only comments coming out of the U.S. Admin and State Department are their concerns and condemnation over “settlements” and violence. This is a pathetic political response that only encourages more violent rhetoric from the PA.
The EU is also engaged in an onslaught of threatening rhetoric against Israel for a variety of issues that deflect from the real issues plaguing the region including Palestinian refusal to seriously engage in conversation with Israel. Instead the EU has given its nod to the PA and Abbas to continue to encourage violence against Israel and the Jews of Europe. It appears that the E.U.’s so-called leadership is more interested in the Palestinian’s finishing what Hitler never fully accomplished.
I am not a paranoid person, but when the new EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini “threatens” Israel with repercussions if it doesn’t live up to EU expectations on a peace agreement with Abbas, his cronies and thieves one can only conclude that the EU is more interested in trying destroy the Jewish State then actually cooperating with Israel and her amazing contributions to mankind.
Whether we in Israel support our present government or not the fact is we are under external siege from our so-called allies. They seem to be acting more like Goebbels propaganda machine for our real enemies.
Economic power and influence seems to be the determining factors for the EU and the US in the Middle East. This includes capitulating to Iran for billions of dollars of business.
Steve Ornstein