France now has its own “9/11,” joining the UK (7/7/05), Spain (3/11/04) and Mumbai (26/11/08). It’s about time for Europe, as well as America, to face the fact that what’s going on is a religious war, a Western war against Muslims who are “radical,” if you prefer to call them that. True, it’s not a war against all Muslims and there is the danger of tarring them all with the same brush. But with a global population well above 1 billion, there are many Muslims who are terrorists and many, many more who sympathize with them.
How many Americans have heard or read in the mainstream media about the jihadist or Islamist battle against the West? Probably not too many, due to the pervasive tendency to avoid the dreaded “Islamophobia.” The fact is that the West has much to fear from Muslims, particularly those that resist assimilating into their new environment.
Just look at one poll from the US:
A majority of Muslims (51%) agree that Muslims in America should have the choice of being governed according to shariah.
Nearly a quarter of the Muslims polled believed that it is legitimate to use violence to punish those who give offense to Islam (for example, by portraying the prophet Mohammed) or in order to make shariah the law of the land. 2015
This confirms a well-respected Pew poll finding: nearly 20% of American Muslims justify murder against non-Muslims under certain conditions. This is an incredible percentage of citizens who condone killing for religious reasons. 2013
To deal with a bad situation it’s necessary to acknowledge the facts. Because of the reluctance “to call a spade a spade” (is this expression politically correct?) by both the G.W. Bush and Obama administrations and the kowtowing to Arab American interest groups, many Americans don’t recognize the danger from jihadist Muslims and their sympathizers. The media (i.e. Fox News, Middle East Forum,, etc.) and individuals (P.M. Netanyahu, Daniel Pipes, Charles Krauthammer, etc.) who do “dare” to warn about the dangers of jihad are stigmatized as “right wing” and avoided by liberals.
There are currently nearly 5 million Muslims in the US. How does the average American feel about a million Muslims (20%) excusing murder because of religion? How many of that one million are willing to put their beliefs into action? We don’t want to find out!
Multitudes of Muslims are fleeing their homelands in North Africa and Asia, seeking asylum in Europe and the US. Some are war refugees or economic immigrants, but inevitably some will be terrorists on a jihadist mission, blending in with their co-religionists. At least one of the Paris terrorists recently arrived from Syria to France, where he joined other jihadis.
This year there may be as many as a million Muslim migrants, mostly young men without families (easy targets for ISIS recruiters), entering Europe. But it won’t be just this year – it will be a similar number for years to come. Europe already has a large problem with Muslims who have no intention of assimilating and accepting Western values. What will the future bring with many, many more who want to change the face of Europe or the US?
Events on the ground are causing many liberal Europeans to reconsider their openness to admitting hundreds of thousands of Muslims into their countries. Must Americans wait for another 9/11 to occur, perhaps in New York or Detroit?
“Mr Lewin of the Henry Jackson Society [a British think tank named after the late Democratic Senator Henry M. Jackson, an anticommunist defense hawk] warned that unless liberal governments were more open about confronting the threat posed by militant Islam to European societies, they risked losing the argument to the real hardliners.
‘It’s all very well to have a compassionate, multi-cultural vision in principle, but in practice we do not seem to know who is among us, and whether they share our values.
‘The political classes cannot keep saying – as [German Chancellor Angela] Merkel is saying – that ‘there is nothing to see here’, that the problem is not related to Islam, when everyone can perfectly well see that it is.’” 11/15/15
Know this: the Muslim god, Allah, in the Koran, and the Muslim prophet, Muhammad, in his sacred sayings, command Muslims to make war on apostates, primarily Jews and Christians, and either kill them or subjugate them to Islamic rule. The very existence of the West in general, and Israel and the US in particular, stands as a rebuke to Islam. Therefore, no Moslem can make peace with the West without violating the sacred commands of his god and his prophet.
Not all Muslims strictly follow the Islamic commandments. But enough do to turn the world upside down. The Paris terrorist attack(s) must jolt Westerners into action to confront jihadism in their countries. Pretending that jihadis are not in our midst is just plain stupid.