Special in Uniform Soldiers Facilitate Coronavirus Testing
h/t to United with Israel
Due to their experience in preparing emergency and crisis kits, Israel’s special needs soldiers have been recruited to pack coronavirus testing gear.
Are there enough coronavirus testing kits in Israel? Israel hovers at the top of the list of countries testing residents for Covid-19, and in the Ministry of Health Emergency Logistics Center, teams of workers are working round-the-clock to prepare and sort the testing kits and dispatch them to hospitals and MDA centers around the country.
In order to accelerate the process and prepare the deliveries in time, Israel’s Ministry of Health recruited Special in Uniform to the task. As this article is being written, soldiers with a variety of physical and mental disabilities are hard at work in the Home Front Command Emergency Logistics Center energetically packing and replenishing ABC testing and emergency kits. The soldiers’ experience preparing emergency and crisis kits made them priority workers for the job, and they were summoned to the Ministry of Health’s warehouse to facilitate the preparation, packing and delivery of the kits.