SHOCKING! Who’s Behind the Viral Jew-Hatred on Campus and Beyond?
This video, exposing the violent thirst for Jewish blood in America and its success on college campuses, will shake you up!
Founded in 2006 by UC-Berkeley Professor Hatem Bazian, American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) has become the leading group that not only gives anti-Zionist training and education to students and activists, but promotes violent anti-Semitism.
AMP’s goal is the destruction of the State of Israel. But its members also wish for the death of all Jews, as seen in their bloodthirsty anti-Semitic statements – despite the fact that anti-Zionist Jewish group IfNotNow wants full partnership with the organization.
This video, produced by the Canary Mission – which documents people and groups that promote hatred of the US, Israel and Jews on North American college campuses – will shake you up!