Shakked Beery – Who are You, Dead Baby?
This morning, CNN posted: “Baby Born Prematurely after West Bank Shooting Dies“.
The headline strokes me with shock so I read it again making sure I got it right.
The report followed the Muslim-Palestinian terror attack on Jewish-Israeli civilians from last Sunday. Today, a premature baby was buried, both his parents absent from his funeral, forced to stay in the hospital for recovery. This Jewish baby is officially the youngest victim of the Muslim-Palestinian terror in Israel.
The headline, however, said just ‘baby’. Who are you, dead baby? How come the editor didn’t mention your identity, the reason why you died 3 days after coming to this world?
We’ll never know just from reading the headline, which means it was executed perfectly.
This is how mainstream media is shaping our thoughts.
The massive effect of headlines on shaping our thinking is long proven. None of us have the time to read the article behind every headline we scroll through. Impossible. In a world of headlines, neglecting content or context that might crack your agenda is equal to legitimizing murderers.
When CNN writes just “Baby” or “West Bank Shooting”, without mentioning who shot whom, they remove both the identity of the victim and the responsibility from the murderer. When the shoe is on the other foot, the headline will always make sure to mention the victim’s identity. When the victim is Jewish, even a baby, it’s easily neglected from the headline and it is no mistake. Without context, the headline can make us easily assume that the incident went completely the other way around.
CNN hijacked the identity of a murdered premature baby to incite against Israel.
It is a vicious and low and their readers deserve better.
It is time to call CNN on their intended incitement and demand integrity and balanced report. Until then, with every headline of this sort CNN is pounding another nail into the coffin of what use to be honorable journalism.
BIO: Tour Guide and Educator in Israel and worldwide public speaker, promoting the understanding of complexities with the study case of Israel and Judaism.
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A storyteller by heart, sharing fascinating stories and engaging audiences from all around the world.
An MA students in the department for Israel Studies in Haifa University.
Worked as a Tour Educator in Taglit Birthright Israel and as an educational content creator for Bible studies programs.
Promotes freedom of speech, pluralist Judaism and responsible forming of opinions.
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