Seven Principles for Maintaining Jewish Peoplehood & The Role of Religion in a Secularised West
We are currently in the midst of the Nine Days, a time in Jewish history – past and present – of difficulty and sadness for the Jewish people. Some of this pain has been inflicted by those outside the Jewish people. But some of it comes from within. The question we must therefore ask ourselves is how do we contain our diversity within a single people bound together in fate and in destiny. Here are my ‘Seven Principles for Maintaining Jewish Peoplehood’. Jonathan Sacks
Cultural Climate Change: The Role of Religion in a Secularised West
Rabbi Sacks
On Thursday 13th July, Rabbi Sacks delivered a keynote lecture on the concept of what he called ‘Cultural Climate Change’ and what religion has to offer in an increasingly secularised West. The lecture was hosted by The Chautauqua Institution, an arts and cultural lifelong learning community on the shores of Lake Chautauqua in Western New York.