Carol Gould has just written a piece for Pajamas Media on a new play in London that is an open season on Israel entailing historical lies and antisemitic language.
During the recent Gaza conflict and in its aftermath, it has been open season on Israel across the globe. From a synagogue in Caracas to a Jewish member of my local community in London being set upon by anti-Semitic thugs, there has been a wave of anti-Jewish sentiment that goes beyond criticism of Israel’s military incursions. From the journalist Richard “I don’t read letters from people with Jewish-sounding names” Ingrams to Robert “Israel’s fifty years of shame” Fisk to Bruce “Israel, the serpent in the garden of Eden” Anderson, the Zionist enterprise has been the focus of considerable venom of late. In recent days Ingrams has predicted the demise of the Jewish state and Anderson has prognosticated in similar vein with the obligatory “ethnic cleansing” accusation against those pesky Jews occupying Arab lands.
Caryl Churchill’s Seven Jewish Children is described by the Royal Court Theatre as a “play for Gaza” and a “history of Israel.” The playwright herself, a patron of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, has told the world, “Israel has done lots of terrible things in the past, but what happened in Gaza seemed particularly extreme.”
My esteemed colleague John Nathan in the Jewish Chronicle says this: “For the first time in my career as a critic, I am moved to say about a work at a major production house that this is an anti-Semitic play.” He is right, and here is my analysis:
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