Dan is a regular contributor to Israel Seen sharing his personal experiences coming home to Israel as an American Jew with all the Joys and frustrations of making the Jewish Nation his new home. His life experience both in the business world and as a ceramic artist gives him a unique perspective that is both fascinating and educational. Dan resides in Yafo-Tel Aviv area.
Second Thoughts On Why You Made Aliyah
Every person that makes Aliyah some time or other examines whether they made the right choice in doing so, With the Mid East exploding in rebellion and the uncertainty of what type of government that the the new regimes will have it is only rational that that I made a revaluation of my reasons for Aliyah and whether this was the right choice for me. . The regional news in my personal case was coupled with an unexpected colder damp winter resulting in a bout of pneumonia. After a thorough reevaluation of why I am in Israel I arrived at the conclusion that I definitely made the right decision. Even though I am keenly aware that Israel has it’s share of problems both internally and internationally there are some over riding fundamentals that have convinced me to remain on Aliyah. Most important of these is being impressed with the dedication of the people and nation to Judaic principles regardless of which persuasion a person might affiliate themselves with and whether one considers themselves to be religious, secular, or some where between. The profound commitment to Jewish practices and ethics is expressed by the people in do many ways but I will mention just a few that have significantly impressed me.
What ethics are evident in most of the people, even though I will admit that there are a few bad apples in every bunch? Honesty, fairness, hospitality, stress on ingenuity and education are all present in the Israel society. One day I made a small purchase of some garlic and overpaid substantially. The shop keeper called it to my attention and took only the actual price. In trying to purchase some office supplies in order to help me due to the language barrier the shop keeper solicited someone off the street that spoke English. In asking directions I have had people actually take me by the arm and lead me there, or research it fro me on their GPS.. People tell me constantly of how appreciative they are for me making Aliyah and welcome with open arms. Hospitality and warmness is a way of life here. The desire and practice of providing excellent customer service which unfortunately I found in the U.S. practiced infrequently any more is still very evident from the largest of stores to the individually owned. People really get quite upset at times if they are unable to be of assistance. This not only is true of the sales people but also of customers.
Another observation is that women and men each have their individual roles here but both are equal respected, even though most women due to finances are employed in the work force. Their is a devotion to family, and country that I found recently lacking in the U.S. Not that their isn’f justified criticism of taxes, and ineptness or corruption of politicians which in many cases is justified but when all is said Israeli’s are very proud of their modern nation of just 63 years. Israel has taken it’s place as one of the most advanced nations on earth and is the only truly democratic voice in the Mideast. Families are very close and strong, and in many cases by placing family before material possessions. Just to give one of many examples an auto garage close to where I live stays closed not only on Shabbat but Friday or erev Shabbat despite the fact that they could most probably increase their business by staying open ` Most all businesses close on Friday by 2PM or before and it is an exception for a business to be open on Shabbat. All Jewish holidays are practiced by most people including Shabbat even if the family is not affiliated with a Synagogue. As a result and also due to being a small country geographically families get together often and of course particularly on Shabbat and tend to be close. Children are really cared for and loved. There is even a special holiday for children. For all of these reasons and many more I feel that the people of Israel have a high quality society with lots of meaning that really impresses me.
Ethics are not the only reason I have decided to remain on Aliyah. I find Israel a very interesting, fun place to live. . I always considered the U.S. as I grew up to be the melting pot of the world particularly in large metropolitan areas . However, Israel really has more different nationalities than I have ever witnessed and for the most part they are quite assimilated and get along well together . This results in an outstanding variety of small specialty and numerous cuisines and this makes it a wonderful exciting place to live. In addition there are the most modern and fine shopping malls with products from all over the world. In Jaffa where I live I am within walking distance of the finest Jewish bakery, several unique small restaurants, a wonderful fresh produce market, and every kind of small shop one can imagine including tailor,, computer, CD,etc. In addition I am five minutes from the the Medittarean with beautiful walks and beach,, Israel for such a small country which is just the size of New Jersey has so varied a climate, and so much to visit including of course the most wonderful ancient history that in a lifetime one could not visit it all. There are also many cultural activities continually of which many are free, For all the reasons I have mentioned and many more, including really being able to live as a Jew and feel like you belong, after thoroughly thinking my Aliyah thru I have decided that this is where I want to make my home for the remainder of my life.