
Sami Barsom Lay Leader of the Syriac Orthodox Community in Jerusalem.

Aramaic is the living language of a small compact Christian community living in Jerusalem. Their ancient congregation is known as the Syriac Orthodox church. Aramaic was the language spoken throughout the Middle-East at the time of Jesus,

The language also survives in several traditional Hebrew prayers, such as the Kadish prayer for the dead, the declaration of welcome during the Passover Seder meal.

We interview the Muchtar, lay leader, of the community, Sami Barsom in his tailor shop and visit their church, St. Marks.

Inside St. Marks Church in JerusalemInside St. Marks Church in Jerusalem

Inside St. Marks Church in JerusalemInside St. Marks Church in JerusalemInside St. Marks Church in JerusalemInside St. Marks Church in Jerusalem

 Inside St. Marks Church in Jerusalem-Lords Prayer English & Aramaic

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