Sabine Sterk – The Underdog
Once upon a time, long, long very long time ago the Romans ruled in the Middle East, in the area known now as Israel. Very different times, very different rules but with the same humankind and the same human behavior. Gladiators competed in the arena, while the people watched in excitement. As soon as one of the gladiators collapsed or fell down the guards came, grabbed his barely living body and then the show started…. Caesar then asked the people..,. “Shall he live or shall he die”? And the audience shouted frantically with excitement…” dead” ..”dead” …”dead’’’…
Obviously, the audience chooses for the winner, the strongest… the lion in the battle. Much longer back in history, there was a boy named David. His homeland, Israel, was attacked by the Philistines or how we now see them as “Palestinians.” One of the soldiers from the Philistines was Goliath, a huge soldier, with a lot of fighting experience. Nevertheless, David decided to fight Goliath, the Philistines laughed at him and shouted frantically with excitement …” dead” ..”dead” …”dead’’’…But a miracle did happen, the young David, the underdog in this fight, killed Goliath with one single stone… the underdog won.
It seems that in the past people always supported the strongest, the fittest, the winner. Wait you will say, but David was the underdog. Honestly, I wonder if David was the underdog. He had the support of his people, he had the brains, and above all he had the support of Hashem, at least this is what is written in the Torah.
Thousands of years have passed. People and nations now consider themselves as “civilized.“ Moral standards are changed, and it is no longer politically correct to support the strongest and the fittest. But as real ‘good’ humans you need to support, the weakest, the most pitied and needy persons, when you do not do that, you are being called “Racist” or even “Nazi”.
Israel surely is the most hated country in the world. Why? Why? The beautiful land of milk and honey, of the sea, desert, mountains, hills and rich fauna, of ancient history and modern, sophisticated city life: the Jewish homeland. When you look at the history, and to the changed moral standards, when you consider the underdog as the most sympathetic, it is not difficult to understand.
The “Philistines” nowadays have been very smart, they recognized the importance of social media and invented the “Palestinian Remix” an application that makes it possible to cut small pieces out of a video and make your brand new video. That everything is out of context does not matter. It is all part of the Pallywood propaganda machine, for which Israel has no answer yet. The big ignorant audience will see: strong soldiers abusing small children, IAF bombing civilians houses in Iraq (stating it is Gaza), etc. And people from all nations will cry with the underdog, will cry for the “poor” Palestinians. They are the Underdog, Israel is the big strong Lion.
However, when you look at the facts, it is like the battle between David and Goliath not clear who is the underdog and who is the strongest and fittest. “Palestinians” are Arabs that have Arab homelands. Compare the amount of Arab lands with the land of Israel and compare the amount of Arabs worldwide with the amount of Jews. You can see how much “Palestinian propaganda” has spread over the internet versus Israeli propaganda you will start to understand that, although Israel has a strong army, Israel might be the underdog, at least if you calculate the odds and see the amounts.
So, why does the majority of the world hate Israel, hate Zionism and even hate Jews, although the last item is not politically correct to mention? There is only one answer, and that is ANTISEMITISM. Antisemitism is born of jealousy, by misleading, by raising children with hatred. It is in the genes of the world population. How to solve it? In my humble opinion, it can be done by exposing the lies of the “Palestinians” and show the world the facts. Furthermore, it would be great if the Israeli government would actively support all efforts worldwide to change the national opinion about Israel. It would be great if the Jewish population worldwide would speak up and teach people in their community, in schools and in universities what the real Jewish values are. When the majority of people can see what is going on in Israel, it would change the opinion about Israel dramatically.
And if this all will not work: Then “Hashem is on her side!