Sabine Sterk

Sabine Sterk – The life as we know it

Sabine Sterk – The life as we know it

We live in the most bizarre year of our lives.. It started just “normal”, with the complaining over issues like money, the climate hoax and child activists crying that “WE” humans are destroying the world and the life as we know it… In Israel, people were busy with the many elections and attempts to form a coalition. The Media was still very active in her bias against Israel and the Israeli news was full of the last innovations and inventions on high-tech or medical/ science level of the Jewish state. But suddenly the news from China reached us.. A virus, first named “Corona” after a while renamed to “Covid 19”. A virus that looked like a regular flew but that is much more dangerous, it can kill elderly and weak people very fast and the worst, there is still no vaccine.

Israel as smart and progressive as we know her was one of the first to cancel all flights to and from the East of Asia, of course, the whole world cried that that was too much, overreacting etc.  But Israel was determined.  Soon after the Israelis called for quarantine for all people entering Israel from abroad and after that a lockdown, with permission to walk only 100 meters from the house and with Pesach even a complete lockdown and so it happened. No underestimation, in this advanced country, of the virus.

For the global population, it is a disaster, life as we know it is over. The word of  2020 will be “social distancing “ keep 1.5 meters from each other, don’t visit your (grand) parents, your elderly neighbors or other people with health issues.  And all restaurants, social events and shops like hairdressers are closed. People must work as much as possible from home, schools are closed, airplanes on the ground, companies bankrupt.  All ingredients to get depressive and lose hope.

We could see this in the (social) media, almost no other news than Corona or Covid 19 for a short while, even the Pallywood Propaganda machine stops to spread her own virus of lies and antisemitism.. .but.. soon after the first conspiracy theories about the Jewish state and the Jewish people were found again. Israel is responsible for spreading the Virus, Jews are responsible etc, etc.

Israel however, showed her unselfish spirit, despite the fact that rockets still flew into the south of Israel she did send tons of medical aid, respirators, face masks and all that the people need over the border to Gaza.  Israel immediately and without delay send planes to pick up stranded citizens in all parts of the world. Mossad provided tests for corona and flew it into Israel, drive-in test centra’s and kiosks to test medical staff in Yaffo were seen and all these measures showed off. Israel is ranked the safest place to be in this Coronavirus era.

IDF fabricated 300 respirators and are entertaining the citizens in lockdown from the streets with music. So the people have some fun and distraction. Also, IDF takes over the care for the nation’s most vulnerable, working with the Magen David Adom Units to bring people to hospitals.   Outside you see, people are greeting each other and the virus also unite people, unite Arabs with Jews because all together we fight the same enemy

Slowly the measures will be released.. but the life as we know it.. will never be the same.  We as Humanity are thrown back to reality, to what is really important.. Love and Unity.. This is the most important thing in this world.. And we also can see, how meaningless a human-being is. When it counts.. Nature wins.. So.. be happy and positive and learn from the most positive country in this world Israel…

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