Sabine Sterk – Foreign Influences
Can you imagine, that you live in a democratic country, every 4 years there are elections and regardless of religion, gender or ethnic background you can vote for the political party of your choice. There is freedom of speech and a western constitution.
You and your countrymen have worked hard to cultivate the land, to build cities and to develop it economically. Because of that in a relatively short period of time, the country developed from a dry, arid desert, into a thriving prosperous area where it is very pleasant to live.
There is one problem, the surrounding countries are not that ambitious, they never used their skills, their knowledge or determination to develop their country. The result is that they see the difference from your country with theirs and jealousy, greed and envy arise. The Neighbors of your country jointly plan an attack and start a war. Miraculous your country wins the war and you and your countrymen want nothing more than to live in peace and happiness, happily ever after…
This is the story of tiny Israel in a nutshell…What makes that Israel is different than for example the Netherlands, France, Belgium? These countries are also Democratic and have the same kind of constitution, there is also freedom of religion and speech. In the second world war, they fought too against the country next to them and when the war was over, they wanted to live in peace and happiness, happily ever after…
Do you really think the Dutch for example, want to interfere in the politics of regardless of which country except for Israel? No, they are friends, allies and we trust democratic politics. So how strange it is that almost the entire Western world is trying to interfere in Israeli Politics? From where they get the nerve to impose rules on another democratic country on penalty of Boycott, Sanctions, and divestment?
Of course, all the inventions and innovation, security that Israel offers is not boycotted, it only concerns the food and cultural contributions of Israel. How hypocrite. If you would not know better you would say it is an antisemitic attitude. Because why China is not boycotted due to their interference of Tibet, or Morocco due to their interference of the Western part of the Sahara or one of the almost 200 disputed areas in the World… the answer…. It is no News when there are no Jews…
Stop the Boycott and treat Israel as the Ally it is.
AM Yisrael Chai