Sabine Sterk

Sabine Sterk – Celebrate life

Sabine Sterk – Celebrate life

I meet disbelief, astonishment, surprise, and even anger when I tell about my love for Israel. Why? Why is this feeling so deep? The fact that I am not official Jewish and not Christian either, leave the people speechless. You see people look at you, as if you are, at least, from another planet. More people are even convinced I lost my mind and belonged in a mental institution.


How can one explain that feelings and love are genuine in the first place? How can I explain the emotions I get when I touch Israeli soil? Especially when the last time I was there, I was truly disappointed in the attitude of some Israelis. Moral standards that are part of my daily life, like being punctual or the belief that a word is a word or a promise is a promise are not very common here. In this, you can see the Middle Eastern mentality, which is not easy to adapt too when you are not flexible in mind.

Reasons enough to leave the country and never return. But thinking about Israel’s reality makes you think differently. Can you imagine, living your life in the south? How many times do you hear the Red Alert sound that gives you 15 seconds to find a shelter? Can you imagine that you can never let your children out of your sight while playing outside? Can you imagine the trauma’s they get?

Or can you imagine living in Judea&Samaria or Jerusalem? You should always be aware of hate and violence, you cannot approach people without caution and the chance that terror is around the corner Is big. When you drive with your baby and get stoned by rioting Arabs,blog 3a can you imagine the feeling when you hold your bleeding baby in your arms? Two weeks ago a mob of violent “Palestinians”, I prefer to say, terrorists, shot at a bus stop in Ofra (Judea&Samaria) at a lot of people, seven got injured, one of them a young pregnant woman and her husband.




The baby got delivered ten weeks prematurely and was, like the mother, in very life-threatening condition. While the mum and dad of the baby were slowly recovering the baby boy named Amiad Yisrael ( the people of Israel always will live in Israel) died and buried at the mount of Olives in Jerusalem.

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If you have any empathic skills, you can imagine the horrible sadness and grieve of these people who experience these horrors. But in this period of time, the Israeli/ Jewish spirit is seen best. Hundreds are attending the very emotional and beautiful funerals. People sing and stand close to the ones that are hurt the most by their loss. Family, friends are coming to the hospital and sing together with/to the bereaved parents and family.

Click Here for the video

Such unity is so much heartwarming that everything you might have against Israel disappears. Everywhere there are people that are trying to make other people feel better, this unconditional support from society is as a warm blanket and the joy of life is the most important thing that keeps Israel alive. This is in contrast with Islamic culture where every dead person is celebrated and immediately get the status of “Martyr”.

To feel this joy and happiness of Israel, the Jewish nation, is a true blessing and gives power and energy to keep looking at the positive things in Life…

Only in Israel, I feel this very special spirit and my gratitude for it is forever..

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