Sabine Sterk – Can we do it?
Switzerland, half of august 2017, an alarming message from Switzerland, a hotel hung very antisemitic signs near the swimming pool and the refrigerator. Suddenly the whole world is in a shock, on every news channel you hear this disturbing news. Newspapers all over the world are disgusted, the prime minister of Israel and the foreign minister of Israel Tzipi Hotovely are rushing to demand that this hotel should be closed. The world act as one and even the newspapers reported about this!
That for sure is a surprise, normally objective news about Israel is tough to find. The killing of a female police-officer in Jerusalem, the murder of 3 family members celebrating the birth of a new addition to the family on Shabbat evening. The car rammings, the stabbings, etc. etc.…. All is not important, is ignored or is at least the fault of Israel… Those bad Jews….
Also, the United Nations are responsible for the creation of antisemitism worldwide or must I say the united nations are responsible for maintaining anti-Semitism in the World? The fact is that supposedly the well-accepted attitude in the countries that are the member of the farce called “the United Nations, is anti-Israel and anti-semitic.. So how is it possible that an antisemitic sign in a small hotel in Switzerland is causing such an outrage?
If I look only to the Netherlands, the country where I was born, you see the rise of anti-Semitism… In Amsterdam, anti-zionistic/ anti-semitic and anti-Israel lobby is free to spread their hate, is free to attack and threaten people, free to say that all the Jews should be burned and gassed and shot to death
The anti-Zionistic person shows, not interfered by the police ( what else), his anti-semitic signs in Amsterdam, while Jewish man is arrested for protesting against this signs of anti-Semitism.
When we file a complaint, and the case comes to court, the perpetrator is allowed to enjoy first a long holiday in the country of origin ( Marocco this case). While we were in court, the perpetrator did not show up, and we had to wait for three months… And the country is silent…The newspapers are silent and sad enough a big part of the Jewish community is also silent. But about the signs in Switzerland, their is an outrage.
What is the difference? Are the signs maybe more clear? I do not think so, if you open your eyes in Europe you see how the situation is getting more worse, Jewish people are leaving towards beautiful Israel, making aliya, despite the danger of terror attacks that occur there often. We all know that it is a very bad sign that the Jews are leaving.
My hope is that this anti-semitic incident in Switzerland will open the eyes of all the people in Europe, in the world. Do we want a second Holocaust or do we demand NEVER AGAIN?
We can do it, look to Switzerland. If we can do it in Switzerland, we can do it all over the world….Or am I just a dreamer?
Stop Anti-semitism now, let us fight for a better world!!