h/t Elder of Ziyon
Rosh HaShanah Music Videos of 2015
Rosh Hashanah is fast approaching! This holiday celebrates the Jewish new year. People often greet each other by saying “l’shana tova m’tuka” (“a sweet and happy year”). The popular foods during this holiday are round challah, apples and honey. These treats symbolize our wishes for a sweet new year.
At services we sing many beautiful prayers with haunting melodies. Among the most familiar prayers is Avinu Malkeinu (our Father our King). In this prayer, we ask God to inscribe us in the Book of Life. Regardless of religious views or affiliations, this is a powerful moment in the service, where we take responsibility for our past mistakes. By letting go, we are able to enter into the year with a renewed sense of hope and purpose.
The Shofar (ram’s horn) is sounded during Rosh Hashanah. This consists of a variety of tonal patterns- “tekia” (one short blast), “shevarim” (three short blasts), “teruah” (nine very quick blasts) and “tekia gedola” (one long blast). The sound of the Shofar is a powerful, awesome to “wake up” the parts of ourselves that have been asleep.
Rosh Hashanah is the start a ten day period called the Days of Awe. These ten days are filled with introspection and reflection. We ask forgiveness of people we know we have hurt. And we forgive those who have hurt us. The Days of Awe culminate in the holy day of Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement).
Is that time already? Six13 is back to kick off the new year with Starting Over, a brand new original tune all about one of the major themes of the High Holidays. This time of year we’re all looking backward on the missteps of this year, looking inward with aspirations to be a better person than we were the year before, and looking forward to a new beginning and a clean slate.
With Rosh Hashanah, we’re all Starting Over.
Six13 may have gained lots attention for its Jewish pop parodies lately, but they’ve also got quite a catalog of original Jewish music to their credit. They’re extremely proud to help spread the true spirit of Rosh Hashanah with their latest composition.
Check out this Rosh Hashanah Parody of Andy Grammer’s “Honey I’m Good!” by Erez Cohen. Email: ContactErezCohen@gmail.com
Featuring: The Rebbetzin, Kosha Dillz, and more!
LYRICS BELOW. Juggling by Sam Jacobs. www.samjacobs.com
Yumi Lowy & Yedidim Choir Singing “Mi Adir to The Tune of Hayom Haras Olam & Mi Bon Siach To The Tune of “Pnai Lelbon” at A Chupah In The The Palace On August 5 2015 Conducted by The Legendary Yisroel Lamm An Aaron Teitelbaum Production
Rosh HaShanah Music Videos of 2015