While visiting tourist destinations like Goa and Pushkar in India, several of us Indians have often come across a bunch of Israeli backpackers. Ever wondered why do so many Israelis love travelling to India? Taj Mahal at Agra, India – Photo by Simon, CC0 1.0
Why Do Israeli Tourists Love India?
There are several reasons for this and while most think it’s associated with the hippy culture, you might be missing the complete story. India is land filled with natural beauty and wildlife along with a remarkable history and culture. Being one of the cradles of civilization, India has seen several cultures and empires that have brought their own special cultural influence. You might be surprised to find that of most tourists who travel to India, the maximum percentage is of the Israeli tourists. There are several reasons related to how the system works in both India and Israel.
- Travelling to India is Cheaper
Most Europeans and middle-eastern countries have a much higher exchange rate against Indian currency making travelling to India really cheap. One euro is equal to almost 70 rupees and a US dollar is almost 60 Rupees. And it is even higher for a lot of Middle Eastern countries. This means that tourists from Europe, Middle-East, and Americas have a higher purchasing power when travelling in India.
- Mandatory Military Service
Israeli laws demand that every citizen should serve a mandatory military service up to 3 years. The males must serve 3 years and several weeks of reserve service up to 40 years of age. Women however, have to serve a minimum of 2 years. This means that most Israelis are deprived of several benefits enjoyed by the 18 year olds in other countries and have to lead a mandatory disciplined life. Hence, after their years of mandatory military service several Israelis want to spend their vacations with the rationed salaries as military personnel in some other country. And with the exchange rates making their purchasing power even higher, India is one of the best vacation spots.
- The Laid Back Indian Culture
Among all the countries in the Indian subcontinent, India is one of the most economically developed countries with a knack of hospitality. Indians are known for their warm and friendly behavior and are very hospitable with the foreign tourists. The culture in tourist places like goa and Himachal Pradesh is very relaxed and tourists are viewed as special guests and enjoy more amenities than the citizens. The police are also extra supportive towards the foreign tourists. The culture in India allows them to be free and enjoy the various attractions the country has to offer.
- The Hippy Connection
Ever since the hippy revolution in the 60’s and the 70’s and the arrival of the Beatles, India has been known to be a haven for the hippies travelling around the world. Several Israeli citizens adopt a hippy traveler lifestyle after serving in the military. India being the crux of the hippy movement with several hippy hotspots in states like Himachal Pradesh, Goa, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Uttaranchal is one of the best places to visit. The freely available marijuana in several forms is also a major attraction. Marijuana is essentially illegal in India but is available through licensed government shops in the form of Bhang. However, the drug laws in India are far more relaxed than other countries and with marijuana consumption being a common practice among the Shivite Hindus, not many people pay a lot of attention.
- India’s Open Support to the Jewish Population
Jewish views about the world politics drastically changed when the aftermath of the dreaded Jewish Holocaust during the 2nd World War. India was one of the only few countries to never persecute or expel the Jewish population, but instead welcomed the visitors with open arms. This can also be explained by the friendly economic relations between the two countries. Israel is also the second largest military partner of India after Russia. Jews have been living in India for nearly 2000 years and have never faced religious or racial opposition even on a single instance.
After serving mandatory years in utter discipline, the spirituality and the open culture in India attracts the Israelis on a large scale and provides them with a place they can freely relax. An average of around 40,000 Israeli youth travel to various tourist destinations like Manali, Kasol, Dharamshala, Pushkar and Goa. Even the shops in Manali, Pushkar and the Kullu Valley sport signboards written in English and Hebrew which is a great example of how friendly the Indians are towards the Israelis.
Author Bio:
Rohit Agarwal is an architect by profession but a traveler at heart. He has visited several tourist places in India and abroad. His love for experiencing newer cultures and to experience the best of what nature has to offer takes him to far off places. He is also the content contributor for TransIndiaTravels.com which is the best source of information about the best places tourists can visit in India.
Why Do Israeli Tourists Love India?