People look on after a Grad rocket hit a mall in Ashkelon, wounding several, Wednesday afternoon.
Photo: Channel 10
While writing this entry a rocket slammed into a shopping mall in the coastal town of Ashkelon fromNorthern Gaza seriously wounding 3, including a mother and child. Latest report has at least 14 wounded.
In April of 2008 my co-host Yoram wrote a piece in his blog called “What does Hamas really want”? He was trying to understand the destructive policy that Hamas inflicts on its population by provoking
Israel through rocket attacks on its communities. Truly, this kind of terrorist mentality can only lead to more suffering by the population of
Gaza. This however doesn’t seem to bother this terrorist organization. In fact, it hungers for the attention and is hypnotized by its own rhetoric and exaggerated claims if not outright lies.
Their ability to perpetrate a deadly game of suicide can only prevail because of the support it gets overtly and covertly by the likes of Mr. Carter and his apologists. Yes folks herein lies the rub. The anti-Israel/anti-Zionists/anti-Jewish contingency globally supports Hamas by legitimizing their narrative. Fanatics do not need much juice to encourage their extreme world view. I am not suggesting for one minute that legitimate criticism of Israeli policies is off the table. What I am suggesting is
Israel the country, people and land is a reality. It is here and recognized as such by most of the international community. The revisionist historical narrative that is pushed by a variety of mischievous cretins, including our very own ex-patriot Pappe, provides the necessary ammunition for terror organizations to continue in their attempt to destroy the State of Israel. This in turn allows the Palestinian in the street to believe that there really is a chance to conquer Israel and enjoy the spoils. Therefore, it becomes all too apparent that these supporters of terrorists are in fact traitors to humanity. They are the destroyers of historical truths in order to undermine the legitimacy of the State of Israel. But no matter how sincere is their hatred toward the Jewish State they have become accomplices with the likes of Hamas in support of continued pain and suffering of the Palestinians. The pain and suffering continues because there is no leader that possesses the boldness and courageousness to speak to the reality of the situation and give the Palestinians real hope by compromising and conveying to their people the need to make peace with Israel and live side by side in peace and prosperity. It can be done and is possible.
But these are the latest words from the leadership of Hamas . Read them and you decide. Thanks to the Jerusalem Post:
Hamas leader Mahmoud Zahar said Wednesday that a Palestinian state will be established on all of the land of Palestine and not only on parts of it, and that it will include “Jaffa, Lod and
Zahar also reiterated Hamas’ unwillingness to recognize the State of
Israel and said that the group “will continue to persecute the Zionists wherever they are, after we prove that the Zionist army can be defeated – contrary to what was believed in the past, that it is impossible to beat the Zionists.”
Speaking in the
Gaza Strip, he went on to affirm Palestinian right of return, claiming that the “right of return of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians is closer than ever.” “After we defeat the Zionists we will persecute them… we will persecute them to eternity, and the sun of the freedom and independence of the Palestinians will burn all of the Zionists,” he continued.