Rami Dabbas – Europe and Islam
Since the Muslims expelled from Spain (Andalusia), the Muslims have dreamed of recovering the lost booty, and the strange paradox between backwardness and dependence on Europe and the dream of Andalusia and the Islamization of non-Muslim countries. The dream continued to grow from one generation to the next, until we reached the generation of al-Qaeda and ISIS, the heroes of the Muhammadiyah Sharia, the bearers of the torch of the dream of eternal spoil and the Islamization of the non-Muslim world.
Europe withdrew from the lands of Islam, and after a while, groups of “Muslims” escaping from the tyranny of backward Islamic regimes followed suit, groups of political refugees and intellectuals seeking safety in the homes of “non-Muslims”. And because of the racist, non-patriotic, unpopular and anti-democratic policies pursued by the authoritarian regimes in the “Islamic” countries after the European withdrawal. Other groups of poor and oppressed people joined the Ancients, demanding economic asylum and a guarantee of decent living in the countries of European “infidels”.
The children and grandchildren of these political and economic oppressors, in addition to the broad segment that joined them after the collapse of the Berlin Wall, or the next at the beginning of the third millennium, and it is the segment that carries more of the dark Islamic culture hostile to enlightenment and modernity, and from this and that, the Islamic bloc was formed hostile to the values of progress, freedom and tolerance It defended isolationism in the cantons and refused to integrate into European values, and chose the path of destroying these modernist values from the inside with various forms of material and spiritual tools.
Entry of Islam through the broad door in Europe
Science and the Enlightenment triumphed over the obscurantism of the Middle Ages, and the philosophy of reason, freedom, science and secularism prevailed. The European Renaissance, its secular philosophy, its democratic principles, and the freedom of the individual (man or woman) to choose and act. The philosophy of life that the European peoples fought for for centuries, culminated in the change of backward feudal and authoritarian regimes, and the establishment of free, democratic and secular progressive regimes.
The philosophy that shocked the Islamic groupings in Europe and fought it under the pretext of a conspiracy against Islam, and these groupings were isolated in cantons far from Islamic prohibitions, but they benefited from the philosophy (freedom and respect for pluralism and difference) to establish their own institutions to preserve their traditional culture and legislative laws (fatwas), forming Special Muslim societies (residential neighborhoods that contain what is “halal”, shops, Islamic cultural associations, mosques …) based on a culture of resistance and confrontation governed by the laws of Islamic law, and Islamic education for young people.
The Islamic ideology, its main mission, is to wash the brain and fill it with a culture of obscurantism, killing, war, hatred and hostility to non-Muslims. Sayings of murder, hatred and the destruction of civilizations nest in rigid minds and accompany Muslims daily in their prayers, chants and prayers:
The huge amount of words about incitement in Quran to murder and hatred prevented the easy integration into societies of residence and friction with other cultural and religious groups and peaceful coexistence with them in societies whose laws defend and respect cultural and religious diversity and guarantee the freedom of the individual, and thus Muslims are isolated in their cantons to protect them from the culture of freedom, scientific research and discussion Taboo.
In the Islamic cantons, the youth were saturated with Islamic ideology, and the theoretical reference for terrorism and field terrorist action was formed. What happened in France with the bombing of the station (Saint Michel) in Paris on July 25, 1995, the bombing of the station (Port Royal) December 3, 1996, the “invasion” of Charlie Hebdo, the assassination of 12 journalists and the wounding of 11 others on January 7, 2015, the attacks in Paris, on the 13th November 2015, which was terrorist operations that covered different places in the city and different areas, the Islamic terrorist operations ended, killing 130 people, wounding and terrified by the horror of suicide terrorist operations and indiscriminate firing. ISIS has claimed responsibility for these terrorist attacks.
The Islamic reference in which the Islamic flocks believe is responsible for their spinning in the cantons and preventing it from integrating into the societies of residence (societies based on the separation of religion from the state (secular) and freedom of religious belief) and it is also the primary responsible for the bloody terrorist operations in the world. Isolation, non-integration and terrorism are the actions that have generated different reactions from the Islamic presence, belief and believers in it, especially in France, the source of the democratic, secular and freedom revolution, and the most affected by this negative presence, and Macron’s criticisms were more realistic in his analysis of the foreign presence or of foreign origins in his relationship With French values, the French Parliament had previously approved on October 18, 2017, a law to combat terrorism, giving the authority the authority to close places of worship and cultural associations (sponsoring terrorism), and to ensure safety in Europe, the European Commission (Brussels from the beginning of 2017) has allocated millions of euros to projects. Protecting the public places that are supposed to be targeted, and ensuring the lives of citizens threatened by Islamic terrorism. The issue is not in the conspiracy against Islam as Muslims imagine, if Muslims are the only ones targeted by these criticisms or European fears of Islam, because terrorism on a religious basis is practiced by Muslims exclusively, and they are the most refusing to integrate into their communities of residence.
France, who is the most affected by the bloody Islamic barbaric attacks, is one of the countries most embracing terrorist elements and their hideouts in Europe, and is tolerant of their advocacy activities to convey the message of terror among Muslims, especially for their recruitment in terrorist campaigns. The first principles of suicide operations and beheading the unbelievers, as happened a few days before the beheading of the French professor, in response to Macron’s courage in criticizing the negativity of Muslims and Islam in France. Without Macron, the majority of Europeans are afraid of the Islamic obscurantist ideology and (and prepare for them what you can of strength and horse-tie with which you will terrorize the enemy of God and your enemy). Islamic terrorism.
The wrong policy in containing Muslims has led to disasters that were not in the minds of the planners of Islamic politics, which the European peoples pay for, and thus European leaders must find solutions to the Islamic question, not only by striking terrorism and its financiers, but what is necessary and most important, deterring the intellectual reference to terrorism, liquidating the authority It will end material and spiritual terror.
Here is the link for more of Rami Dabbas
Rami Dabbas is a rare, outspoken Arab advocate for Israel, fighting against terrorism. Rami is a former Muslim who became a pro-Israel Christian. Based in Jordan, he joined anti-Islam activities at university after leaving Islam in 2012. Rami studied civil engineering and is now a human rights activist fighting against Sharia Law, radical Islamic terrorism & Arab nationalism.
Rami is a political writer involved in Christian advocacy and pro-Israel advocacy. He is affiliated with groups like Pegida Canada and Jihad Watch – part of the LA-based think tank ”David Horowitz Freedom Center.” He also serves as a peace campaigner promoting normalization between Israel and Arab nations. In addition to the Voice of Europe & JihadWatch.org Rami also writes for the NY-based journal and news-site the Algemeiner and the Times of Israel.
His passion is to promote peace between Arabs and Israel following in the footsteps of the late Jordanian King Hussein who made peace with the Jewish State in 1994.
As a pro-Israel advocate, Rami connects in his home country Jordan with many NGOs and think-tanks that promote peace with Israel and work with counter-Jihad organizations.
Rami gives Israel Today readers a unique Arab Christian perspective on events in and around the Middle East.