
Quillette: Watch Dan Schueftan on the Palestine-Israel Conflict

Quillette: Watch Dan Schueftan on the Palestine-Israel Conflict

Dan Schueftan is a prominent Israeli academic and expert in international relations, security studies, and Middle Eastern affairs. He is known for his insightful analysis and commentary on various geopolitical issues, particularly concerning Israel and its relations with neighboring countries, as well as broader regional dynamics. Schueftan has served as a lecturer and researcher at several prestigious institutions, including the University of Haifa and the National Defense College of the Israel Defense Forces. He has also been involved in policy advising, contributing his expertise to government agencies and defense establishments. One notable aspect of Schueftan’s work is his willingness to engage with controversial topics, such as anti-Semitism and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, both in academic settings and public forums. He is known for his direct and often provocative style of discourse, challenging prevailing narratives and advocating for a pragmatic approach to addressing complex issues. This interview was conducted by writer and psychologist Pamela Paresky.

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