In response to provocations and attack. In Gaza, Lebanon and elsewhere. There is a general problem of proportionality in the one hundred years of the conflict between the Jewish people and the Arab Muslim world. This disproportionate problem became most noticeable in 1947/48 when the Arab League, consisting of six League members, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Transjordan, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia, supported by other members (notably Yemen), sovereign independent Arab states with a combined population of millions, undertook an unprovoked attack on the newly legally created State of Israel and its six hundred thousand Jews. Today almost 60 years later the disproportionate correlation between the two sides is even greater than ever before. There are now 23, sovereign independent Arab, mostly Muslim states with a combined population of over three hundred million people. These twenty three Arab states include among them some of the richest nations on earth. With incomes of billions of dollars per month. Supporting these twenty three Arab states are an additional thirty plus nations of the Islamic Conference, with Muslim majority populations totaling another seven hundred million people. Some of these non-Arab, Muslim states are also exceptionally wealthy, as a result of their bountiful natural resources. According to a recant UNESCO the Arab world spends over a trillion dollars a year on weapons annually. Standing alone as the single solitary state with a Jewish majority, a unique cultural phenomenon in the human community, is the State of Israel. Its total population of six million includes one million Arabs Muslim and Christian citizens. Surrounded by wealthy oil producing states, Israel possesses no natural resources. Neither abundant water, fertile lands nor mineral wealth of any sort. Again, this small singular state is under threat and attack by some 300,000,000/ 5,000,000 times its population. At times this treat manifests itself economically, socially, culturally and on occasion in violent military confrontation. The membership of the various international reorganizations, including the United Nations, the international sports federations always contain an automatic majority of hostile Arab and/or Muslim states. Now let’s explore what a truly proportionate response to a Palestinian suicide bombing in which nine random people were murdered.It would seem that killing no more than nine Palestinians at random would be a totally proportionate and appropriate response.NOTE: The high level of ability to broadcast from any spot in a battle zone…without any filtering…Which means that democratic societies living by the ideals of a free and unfettered press will always be at a disadvantage to dictatorships and oppressive ideologies, adept at manipulating the media? A closed society conveys the impression of order and discipline; an open society, buffeted by the crosswinds of reality and rumor, criticism and revelation, conveys the impression of disorder, chaos and uncertainty.