Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig

Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig: Tell It to Them Straight, Joe: In the Knesset (and Ramallah)

Lawmakers at the swearing-in of the 25th Knesset, November 15, 2022. (Noam Moskowitz/Knesset Spokesperson)

Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig: Tell It to Them Straight, Joe: In the Knesset (and Ramallah)

It’s never pretty when friends start squabbling – and downright ugly when the argument turns nasty. Sen. Schumer’s recent “shot across the bow” was merely the latest example of this. It’s time for some American straight talk in Israel’s house.

First, it’s worth recalling a unique moment in Israel’s history. The term “game changer” is easily bandied about these days, but every Israeli will agree that the term fits one historical (and historic) event: Anwar Sadat in the Knesset. For anyone living through the traumatic Yom Kippur War a mere four years earlier, seeing their former enemy presenting a speech for peace in Israel’s parliament was truly stupefying, almost surreal.

President Joe Biden today is the complete opposite of what President Sadat was back in 1973. Yet, a similar appearance in the Knesset could well be just as historic as Sadat’s visit. He seems to realize that, given his positive (if indirect) response this past week to the question of whether he would speak in the Knesset – with, or seemingly without, PM Netanyahu’s explicit invitation.

There are several reasons for him to make such a bold move. Foremost, the present Israeli government (aka Bibi Netanyahu trying to monopolize the country’s official stance) has been working overtime to vastly oversimplify President Biden’s post-Gaza peace process plan – as if Uncle Joe is calling for a Palestinian State in 2024. Nothing could be further from the truth.

First, Biden continues to support Israel’s mission to decimate Hamas, realizing full well that as long as this terrorist organization survives there is no hope for any peace process to succeed, given its dedication to killing all Jews who reside “from the river to the sea.” The U.S. Administration’s demands regarding humanitarian aid to Gazans should not be conflated with any supposed “support” of Hamas – indeed, the Americans continue to agree that Israel (or any other trustworthy factor) should continue checking that all such aid be vetted to avoid any potentially military materials from filtering through to Hamas fighters. The projected humanitarian aid “pier” to be built by the U.S. Army at the Gazan shore is meant to guarantee that.

Second, if and when Hamas is effectively neutralized (“total victory” by killing all 30,000 Hamas combatants is not possible, but eliminating its governing capability is surely doable), the next step in Biden’s plan is to get a technocratic administration to govern Gaza in the relatively long interim period of reconstruction and other steps (outlined below). This would entail some sort of international consortium, including EU military peacekeepers, civilian policemen from the Gulf’s Abraham Accord countries; Arab bureaucratic technocrats from friendly (to Israel) countries e.g., Egypt, Jordan etc.; as well as massive infrastructure investment in Gaza by the Emirates, Saudis, Europeans, and the U.S.  That rebuilding process would take a few years and if successful it would seriously undermine any return of a militant government once elections were held. Having been burnt by Hamas corruption and self-interest – and seeing a reconstructed society with a peaceful future – it is highly unlikely that two million citizens would want to go down that extremist route again when elections would finally be held in such a reconstructed Gaza. (Even before Oct. 7 there were signs of widespread Gazan dissatisfaction with Hamas rule.)

Third, Biden is demanding that the Palestinian Authority (in the West Bank) “clean house”: deleting the numerous references to the hated Zionists (and even worse epithets) in its educational textbooks; eliminating endemic corruption; and conducting free elections – again, after all this is carried out. Furthermore, the (re)new(ed) PA would also have to accept complete demilitarization as a prerequisite for a peace treaty with Israel.

Once all this is carried out, then and only then would Israel be required to make its own concessions – essentially giving up 80% of Judea & Samaria in which about 20% of the settlers reside today. Israel would probably also have to “trade” part of unpopulated northern Negev land for the 20% of Judea & Samaria that would become an official part of (annexed to) Israel.

To be sure, there are other serious questions to be dealt with. The primary one: Palestinian refugees are clearly not returning to their former homes in Israel. Here too, however, massive “reparations” can be paid – probably by America, Europe, and perhaps a symbolic sum by Israel as well – to enable smooth resettlement in Palestine and/or overseas countries, each volunteering to take in a limited number.

Altogether, then, the Biden Peace Plan (yes: Capitalized!) calls for serious, politically painful (but reasonable) concessions from both sides.

How would Biden get to the Knesset? Simple: by publicly inviting himself! His recent interview was a step in that direction. Would anyone in Israel dare to say “no” to the one person who supported Israel’s war in Gaza with massive aid (and continues to do so)? Of course not. Would that run against diplomatic protocol? Absolutely yes – but not much different than when Bibi bypassed President Obama to speak in the U.S. Congress back in 2015 (recall: Obama’s Vice President was Joe Biden – not something Joe would easily forget or forgive). Indeed, given how upset Biden is today with what he views as Netanyahu’s recalcitrance, this would be a golden opportunity to poke a large finger in Bibi’s eye, but with a positive purpose.

Such an appearance would also send a message to Americans: “I won’t abandon Israel, but it’s time for tough love to save the country’s long-term future.” Such a message would be addressed to Zionists and pro-Palestinians alike: “My policy ensures Israel’s future survival but also finally resolves the Palestinians’ plight.”

And then, after his Knesset speech, Joe would continue on to Ramallah – to give virtually the same speech there as well! If the Israeli government is distorting Biden’s peace plan, one can well imagine how it is being translated into Arabic by the equally obstinate Palestinian leadership. Both sides have to hear the message straight from the horse’s mouth; both sides have to understand that the President isn’t horsing around.

From the time of Abraham and Sarah, Judaism and Islam have always highly valued “hakhnasat orkhim” (hospitality to guests) – whether the guests were invited or not. It’s time for the U.S. President to exploit that hoary custom to save both sides from themselves.


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