Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig

Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig: “Nowism” Against the Past Part II

Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig: “Nowism” Against the Past Part II

In my essay last week, I argued that emphasizing the here-and-now undermines our important ability to think about, and plan for, the future. Going in the other direction is also true: if we don’t consider the past we’re likely to get bogged down in over-pessimism, exaggerated gloom, and even collective paralysis regarding our present – from a national perspective (Israel) and the international one as well (the world at large).

Israel has been going through very trying times this past year with its long war in Gaza and serious threats coming from other directions. Some Israelis are even voicing the possibility of an “existential threat” to the state’s continuation. For those doomsayers, some historical “reminders” are in order.

In 1948 the fledgling state was invaded by five neighboring countries, who had vastly larger numbers of combatants and resources. That, indeed, was an existential threat before Israel could even find its initial national footing. And yet it won the war. Then, nineteen years later, Israelis had to face what was thought of at the time as another existential threat coming from Egypt, Syria, and Jordan. Those who lived through May 1967 clearly recall the deep dread the country felt in what was called “the waiting period” (Ha’hamtanah) i.e., waiting for the shoe to drop. A few years later that was followed by an even more palpable threat with the Israeli Army under tremendous pressure to push back the devastating surprise attack on Yom Kippur 1973, which left thousands of IDF soldiers dead.

One could go on (and unfortunately on: the Lebanon War, two Intifadas with the second worse than the first, etc.). And that’s not counting really terrible domestic disasters: hyperinflation and the bank collapse in the early 1980s; PM Rabin’s assassination in light of virulent, internal politics in the mid-90s; etc.

And yet. Social science has found that countries undergoing periodic “stress tests” tend to emerge stronger and less vulnerable to ensuing, major challenges. This is not different from individuals as well. Overcoming difficulties tends to “steal” the person (and country) to future trials and tribulations. Of course, one doesn’t really need contemporary research to understand that. It’s enough to see the Jewish People’s unquestionable success, individually and as a group – despite the unprecedented, ongoing vicissitudes they underwent for thousands of years.

The ”problem,” therefore, is not contemporary challenges but rather the lack of historical perspective. The study of history – in most of the West, not just in Israel – has been neglected for too long, with the “justification” that it doesn’t provide any significant foundation for future professional work. But education is not merely a matter of getting ready for one’s future vocation; it’s even more important to provide the person with the means to deal psychologically and practically with challenges as an individual and also as part of a nation.

And indeed, if one looks at historical trends – on the micro and macro levels – the present is a lot better than the past. Among others, Steven Pinker has written an impressive study laden with irrefutable facts (, showing how (and why) the long-term trend of humanity is upwards, whether in infant mortality, lifespan, social violence, and even (hold on!) war deaths per capita!!

As for Israel, a short social or economic review of the “Start-Up Nation” puts to rest anyone lamenting the present or future of the state’s sturdiness (the Hebrew is “khosen” – a stronger term). But how many younger Israelis even know that the country once had 400% inflation? Or that the term “hamtanah” put the fear of God (and Nasser) in every Israeli?

None of this is to say that the present situation isn’t worrisome; it’s even more than a cause for simple “worry.” Nevertheless, the country’s strengths are many – not just economically but national-psychologically too, given that most Israelis understand fully well why they are living in the Jewish State and what has to be done to preserve it, despite the numerous challenges facing it.

For anyone disagreeing or doubting that these can be overcome, pick up a history book (or Wikipedia entry) on the country’s last 75 years. To paraphrase a variant of philosopher George Santayana’s famous epigram: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to live in fear of the present.”

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