
PM and the Rest of the Goverment Must Resign Now

The time has come for this government to resign. It has shown its true colors once again. It is not interested in doing what is good for the country but what is good for some of its citizens in spite of the terrible consequences. The Prime Minister has a long history of narcissism that I had hoped would pass with maturity. But instead we get the same Bibi of the past allowing the religious factions to rape the people of their money and clout for the sake of the few.

It is time that the Charedi (“ultra-orthodox”) be accountable and participate fully in this country. Sending their children to the army like every family must do. No exemptions for anyone, including all Arab citizens of Israel. The charedi have made a mockery and a talent at exploiting our country by extorting money for their closed society that is at best non-Zionist and at worse anti-Zionist. This government participates fully in throwing tens of millions of shekels at them for their support and votes. This has led to the moral disintegration of our society. Shas and its MK Yishai have shown clearly that they have no interest in this country but only in embarrassing us before the world of the anti-Semites , Jews and non Jews alike, ready at any moment to pounce on our right to exist.

Bibi has given the Charedi every opportunity to take over daily policy of providing housing for their people at the expense of the rest of the population. Our children have died so this government can essentially provide the “parasites” of this society to exploit it for votes in the Knesset. Bibi betrays everything that is good in our country for power.

We need housing right here in the major cities of our country for the young people and couples starting out and providing us with a new generation to continue this amazing experiment of a Jewish State in modern times. Instead, the “orthodox-Charedi” have usurped the right to decide “who is a Jew”, Who shall be married and who shall be divorced in Israel. If anyone has tried to enter the Rabbinute in Tel Aviv you will find that the security is tighter then at the Misrad HaPanim. I once asked why, and was clearly told that a lot more people hate this institution then all of the government agencies. It made sense that these old cronies called Rabbis and their assistants maintain so much power over the population. Once you realize how much money they receive and the bribe potential it is clear that this institution must GO.

There needs to be a national referendum on many of our issues and we need to clearly understand the direction of this country. We have a situation where a large segment of the people voted for a party that sits in the opposition. We have what is left of labor falling into line with a great General, Barak, but a megalomaniac in politics that matches Bibi’s narcissism.

Where are the great leaders? Where is the leader of kadima that was the hope for the future? She apparently decided to play politics blustering her way into oblivion. We sit at the precipice of destruction from within and with out. The choice is ours to take.

I want all of our citizens, to participate in all aspects of life including the required time to give back to our country and its people, be it by participating in the Army or alternative service. It is also the government’s responsibility to provide funds to help overcome the neglect of some of the minority villages and rectify past mistakes. Regardless if there is resentment or not every citizen has a right to have housing, sewage, clean water, and opportunity to provide for family.

It is also time for this government to close down if necessary the disaster in Haifa that pollutes the entire region creating health conditions that produce all kinds of diseases. This industry of death must end and NOW. The smell in the area is so intense and the burning of eyes so unrelenting I find it an embarrassment that not one soul in the Knesset protests this government participation in the killing of our citizens by neglect.

There is much good in our country and so many souls that truly love our home and the desire to improve it. But we demand from the government the guidance and transcendence of personal gain in order for the dream of “chosen” to have any chance to manifest in all its glory.

We provide so much in the way of resources and services to the world. Is it imaginable that we can find honest, intelligent, and enlightened public servants? Is it possible that the constant bickering and hatred by the left and right will stop for a moment, take a breath and realize the real enemy is US.

I love this country and have served it when it was possible to avoid it. My son volunteered to serve in the army when he was abroad in order to feel a part of the society and take his responsibility seriously as a citizen. The time has come for change. I pray out of the ashes of the stupidity of these events a new order will take place and the government will do the right thing and resign now.

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