Eric Burdon live in Binyamina. #BDSfail. Resisting the bullying tactics of BDS activists (which reportedly even included death threats), Animals frontman Eric Burdon performed in front of a sell-out crowd at Zappa Shuni Amphitheater in Binyamina, Israel on Thursday – a one hour set which followed an opening act by the Israeli band T-Slam.
Thanks to our dear friend Adam Levick at CIF Watch for this selection of videos.
Here’s a clip of of the 72-year-old Burden performing the Animal’s classic, Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood.
The music of Avraham Tal (Lead singer of ‘Fools of Prophecy’)
we highlight Avraham Tal, former lead singer of the band Fools of Prophecy (featured previously on ‘Sounds Israeli’), and his popular single ‘I don’t understand how the day dawns’.
he popular Israeli singer Shlomi Shabat was born in 1954, in the city of Yehud, to Turkish immigrants – and sings in the Mizrahi style in Turkish, Hebrew and Spanish. The following song, ‘Every Day’, is a track from his 2012 album titled ‘One For the Soul / One For the Party‘.