
Physical Fitness for Cancer

As a follow up to the articles we recently had on IsraelSeen, Author David Haas shares his insights on the benefits of fitness and eating healthy during and after a diagnosis of any kind of cancer.


Living through a cancer diagnosis can be a difficult process for anybody. Being told you have any type of cancer, whether it is skin cancer or mesothelioma, can seem like a death sentence. Many oncologists will do their best to help you but there is a way you can help take your life back into your own hands. Improving or maintaining your fitness can help you beat back the threat of cancer.

The benefits to fitness during cancer are many. One of the most obvious is that it helps beat away fatigue and other symptoms of your treatment. Doctors have found that physically fit patients are more likely to beat cancer due to their higher stamina and energy level. Regular exercise boosts your metabolism, creating more fully realized metabolism. Better metabolism leads to more efficient energy use and better overall health. A boost in overall health can lead to an increased chance in fighting back the fatigue related symptoms of cancer.

People who are suffering from cancer often suffer from depression and feel their quality of life is low. Luckily, physical fitness seems to be connected with improving mental conditions. Exercise after diagnosis has been shown to increase mood, improve feelings about quality of life, make a person more focused on defeating their disease and many other mood enhancing effects. Having a strong focus on beating cancer is essential to surviving. The release of endorphins from exercise cannot only improve mood but also releases a light but effective pain reliever.

One of the best ways that physical fitness helps cancer is to prevent it from coming back. Nobody wants to go through months of treatment only to have their cancer come back a few months later. This terrifying possibility may cause despair and loss of the competitive spirit needed to survive. Luckily, studies have shown that physical activity causes a reduced chance of remission and longer survival times after cancer treatment. Inversely, physically inactive and overweight people had increased remission rates and much shorter survival times. Clearly, there is a connection.

And it is a connection you shouldn’t ignore. While exercise can never take the place of conventional treatments, it can serve as a powerful boost to improving your condition. Always discuss your exercise routine with your doctor before beginning. He will help you pick a routine that is perfect for your health and your condition.

 Posts from Israel Seen on Technology, Health and Cancer


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