By David Bedein A retiring Mossad official briefed our agency 20 years ago, saying that 90% of Israeli intelligence worries concern Egypt, where, he said, Egypt was producing more than 100,000 unemployed graduates every year from its Radical Islamic Universities, which flourished under Sadat and under Mubarak.
From notes of this meeting, the intelligence expert in 1991 concluded that: ” 20 years from now,another 2 million educated radical Moslems will hit the streets in Egypt, join the Moslem Brotherhood and overthrow the regime”.
20 years later, that assessment has come to fruition.
Mubarak did maintain a formal peace with Israel, which concentrated on intelligence cooperation and joint economic ventures.
Mubarak’s legacy, however, is that his regime prepared future generations of Egyptians for war with Israel.
His official Egyptian media ran daily editorials that continued to call for Jihad against the Jewish State.
Virulent anti-semitism and anti Zionism dominate every aspect of Egyptian culture.
Egypt continued to host the Arab League, which maintained its declared state of war to exterminate the State of Israel, a stance unchanged since 1948.
An examination of Mubarak’s official Egyptian gov’t school curriculum reads like a manual for war on the Jews. .
The Moslem Brotherhood does not mince words about its Jihadist genocidal policy towards Israel.
If the Moslem Brotherhood takes over, it will enter into a formal alliance with Hamas, Hizbullah and Iran.
The Camp David Accord, signed in 1979, delayed the next war with Egypt for 32 years.
That next round is around the corner.
The Israeli government information offices had always downplayed the fact that it is Egypt, NOT Iran, that supplied massive caches of munitions to the Hamas regime in Gaza to launch 12,000 aerial attacks on the Western Negev over the past decade.
This article would not be complete without a personal recollection
“My Mengle Moment in Egypt”
Many people speak about a policy of anti-Semitism promoted by the Mubarak regime
Many Israeli Jews who visited Egypt during Mubarak’s reign witnessed such a policy in action.
Here is an eyewitness account to that policy.
On March 15, 1996, Egyptian President Mubarak invited President Clinton, PLO Chieftan Yassir Arafat, and Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres to attend a one day summit ianti-terrorism summit in Sharm el Sheich, Egypt, at the tip of the Sinai desert. T
The gatherng was intended to salvage middle east negotiations that had been seemingly sabotaged by bus bombings in Jerusalem that had been detonated by Hamas.
Little did anyone know then that, many years later, former Mossad director Ephraim Halevy would later appear on Israel Broadcasting Corportation radio and soberly inform the public that those bombings had been ordered by Arafat himself.
In preparation for the seminal summit, Mubarak invited media from around the world to cover the event.
More than 200 reporters came from Israel to the summit, with hundreds more media outlets that arrived from the Arab world and from Europe.
After the plane landed, as reporters were processed through Egyptian customs, Egyptian security police suddenly surrounded a young official of the Israel Government Press office who was acommpanying the press. The Egyptians informed the young man that they would not alllow him in the country, because he was wearing a Kippa yarmulke headcovering. All the explanations in the world would not help. Two burly Egyptian security guards escorted the kippa wearer back to the plane, for public expression of Jewish observance.
I was glad that my kippa was under my hat, and it seemed necessary to find some kind of glue that would keep it hidden, so that two burly Egyptians would not put me back on the plane
After a non eventful day of peace rhetoric, reporters went back in chartered buses to the airport, to their respective destinaions.
At the small Sharm El Sheich airport terminal, an Egytian security official made a strange announcemment. “Those of you who hold Israeli passports are asked to go into separate part of the terminal”.. Meanwhile, passengers without Israeli passports were allowed to board their respective flights.
Uri Dan, the late Yediot Aharonot correspondent, asked very loudly if this was Egypt’s version of the Mengele selection process, recalling very loudly how his grandfather from Salonika was selected by Mengele for death, when he got off the platform in Auschwitz.
Uri Dan’s objections not withstanding, the Egyptian securitty people reviewed the passports of each Israeli, and then sent all the Israeli passport holders to cool their heels in the cold airport terminal, without food and without proper sanitation facilities, until 5:30 AM.
It would seem that Egypt wanted to give the Israelis a message.There may be a peace treaty between countries, but that did not mean that they would have to treat Jews with any dignity.
If these were the scenarios of anti-semitism under Mubarak, imagine what it will be like with a Moslem Brotherhood regime in place.