Paula R. Stern – Our Hearts Cry
Israeli news is reporting fires burning in several locations (some for two days now). What Israeli reporters are dancing around is the cause…many of these fires (dare we say the majority and possibly all of them) are arson attacks for nationalistic reasons…nationalistic…no, wait, let’s cut through the politically correct phraseology…these are terror attacks.
Some terror attacks are aimed at our soldiers, some at our civilians, and some at our land.
And so I will say again – if you love something, you do not set it afire. That goes for the flag of your country and that goes for a land you try to claim as your own.
Palestinian arsonists are setting fires, burning this land. There is no greater proof to whom this land belongs. This is Israel. Promised by God, earned by right, by might, by history. Earned because it is our people struggling to put out the fires. Our hearts cry tonight – for more than a dozen home, for hundreds who have been evacuated and for the land, the earth, this holy soil.
With every match, the Palestinians announce more clearly than we have yet been able to do…this land is Israel, land of the Jews.