Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS | More Tsvi Bisk author of the Optimistic Jew: A Positive Vision for the...
With the intense focus on a nuclearized Middle-East propelled by developments and threats by Iran aimed at Israel, it seems to me...
I would like to take this opportunity to share with you all, a two part exploration of the viability of nuclear weapons... Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS | More Pictures from the Sulha gathering at Latrun 2007 On the way to...
As I read the local newspapers and their on-line cousins I watch my emotions having a picnic with the inflammatory speculations by... Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS | MoreBonna Devora Haberman founded and directs Mistabra. She is the initiator of 13...
I have refrained in the past in sharing some intimate and personal experiences for fear that it would take away from the...
Yoram Getzler, Moshav Aminadav Once more we in Israel are starting to get excited over US involvement in trying to settle the...
I want to thank Ina Friedman for a review of Defeating Hitler by Avraham Burg in your, Aug 6 ’07 edition. I...
This a Press Release from NGO Monitor. I am putting this on the site because I believe that this information has been...
We now are at a unique junction. There just may be something real that can be contributed to preventing/delaying a next war...
When I ask Artur to speak up now, about the violations by Syria of the agreement under which Israel ended the 2006...
2007 Podcast Awards Voting Now Open! PLEASE Support US and Vote You may vote once every 24 hours. We are so honored... Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS | More Catcher Lukas Brenowitz of the Blue Sox Steve interviews fans, ballplayers... Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS | MoreYoram interviews Rabbi Joseph Schonwald 25 years as a pulpit Rabbi in America...
Until Assad realizes that it pays to make peace over preparing for war as Iran’s agent we must be vigilant and take...
Our Gallery is now ready and we are adding pictures to it daily. If you have any great photos you personally took in Israel and would... Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS | More A piece of sculpture displayed on his web site: John Brown’s Professional...
Ark Angel By Dr. Rabbi Moshe Dror This title is obviously a play on words of the term archangel and the words-... Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS | MoreInterviews Artist Tomek Matuszak of Poland was born in Lodz and studied in...