Clearly shows demonstrators using violence and attacking Israeli troops as the embarked on the ship. This is just one in a series...
The “nonviolent” Gaza Flotilla unleashes knives, clubs, and live fire on the Israeli commandos sent to prevent them from running Israel’s internationally-recognized...
As just reported by various news media in Israel: “IDF Chief of General Staff Lt.-Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi said in a press conference...
Lessons from the “Jenin massacre” and other myths May 31, 2010 Following conflicting and incomplete reports about the violence aboard the “Gaza...
This just in from a variety of news sources. CNN right now has videos of dozens of “peace activists” actively ATTACKING the...
This is a re-post with permission by Dr. Gordis. THE JERUSALEM POST MAY 28 2010 In October 1994, several days after kidnapped...
This is but one of the many pictures that reveal the truth about conditions in Gaza. Plus a video that reveals even...
By Yoram Getzler An article in the June 2010 issue of The New York Review of Books has ignited a full scale...
Art by Phillip Ratner Commentary by Dr. Rabbi Moshe Dror It would seem that whenever you have some WOW high, then comes...
Free-Gaza Movement and Hamas are planning another flotilla to Gaza shores. This video certainly makes it real clear what the real issue...
This piece appeared in the Jerusalem Post and re-printed with permission from my friend that wrote it Sheldon (Shelly) Schreter. It is...
Shmuel Rosner, of “Rosner’s Domain” is a blog in the Jerusalem Post. He interviewed Lee Smith author of “The Strong Horse”. In...
Today we present a few pictures of a most interesting moment across from my apartment building in the heart of Tel Aviv....
This is a regular feature on IsraelSeen by Dr. Yitzkak Hayut-Man. An innovator, futurist, visionary and Bible scholar. I have the utmost...
Photo by: Laurent de La Hyre According to the Jerusalem Post, Judaism is alive and well in this so-called bastion of secular...
This is a new category that I thought would be an interesting addition to Israel Seen. From time to time as we...
This is an excellent piece regarding the Middle East peace process including interviews with Ben Gurion, King Hussein and Abdel Nasser of...
This is a regular feature on IsraelSeen by Dr. Yitzkak Hayut-Man. An innovator, futurist, visionary and Bible scholar. I have the utmost...
A powerful speech in the support of academic freedom and responsibility. This was taken from the Haaretz web site:” ‘The burden should...
This video is a collaboration of various Israeli artists. Great theme and great song with English subtitles. It has over 50,000 views....
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