It is time to release our kidnapped Son and soldier Gilad Shalit. He has not been allowed any visits from the Red...
Flotilla Organizer Calls Jews in Israel “European garbage” White House Calls Flotillas “Irresponsible” More Flotillas Bound For Gaza Israeli Cabinet Votes to...
Dr. Yitzhaq Hayut-Man: By Rabbi, Dr. Moshe DrorOne of the most amazing aspects of the Bible-Torah is the seemingly endless on- going...
The source is an Islamic satellite channel for children called “Birds of Paradise” which broadcasts from Bahrain and aired in Gaza. The...
Naval Blockade to Continue Israeli Security Cabinet Measures to Ease Land Blockade June 25 Marks Four Years Hamas Has Held Gilad Shalit Israel Eases...
This is just one more amazing and fantastic event in this crazy country of ours. I know this mall inside out. Enjoy. This is a regular feature on IsraelSeen by Dr. Yitzkak Hayut-Man. An innovator, futurist, visionary and Bible scholar. I have the...
On a lighter note here is a video of a recent flash mob in Israel.
Qatar-based Initiative Encouraged Action against Israel: Foreign Agents Registration Act document filed by Fenton Communications (pdf) A U.S. Justice Department document shows that...
“The incident on the deck of the Mavi Marmara excited a sizable international reaction accompanied by mutual accusations from both sides, the...
A response to the flotilla events, searching for justice. Lyrics: Guy “Ruff” Gabriel, Shai “SHI 360” Haddad Music, production, mix and mastering:...
A new parody on the current events facing the world and particularly Israel. This satire is a sign of a healthy country....
This just came to my email and I wanted to post it ASAP. My name is Lior Zagury and I’m a very...
Video made by a brave and righteous muslim . Copied with permission. Thank you Mahmoudabuz.The quran states very clearly : The land...
Anniversary Comes as Red Crescent Boats Prepare to Travel to Gaza on “Humanitarian Aid” Mission to Break Blockade Israel Continues to Transfer...
Credibility and political bias remain problematic B’Tselem’s report on alleged violations since January 2009 demonstrates the continued use of human rights claims...
This is a story of the IDF told by a soldier and officer during cast lead. Compelling and honest. Having served in...
The Palestinian Authority leader doesn’t want the world doing Hamas any favors, and reportedly said so to Obama. by Allison Kaplan Sommer...
Ami Ayalon – North Shore Congregation Israel – Glencoe, IL – June 1, 2010 from Andrew Meyerson on Vimeo. On June 1st,...
By Prof Barry Rubin, GLORIA Golda Meir, Israel’s prime minister, once memorably said, “Better a bad press than a good epitaph.” In...