A stable, loving environment, food in their stomachs every day and a place they can go to sleep every night knowing...
by Yaakov Lappin Senior Israeli officials have indicated this month that any round of future fighting with Hezbollah will make last month’s...
Fatah and Hamas appear to have more that unites them than divides them. Photo: Suhaib Salem-Pool. By Zach Pontz for...
Palestinian women choose Hanukkah doughnuts in a West Jerusalem bakery. Photo by Emil Salman Western Intelligence Sources Confirm Syria’s Use...
Israel’s organ donor program is a success for all Israelis, regardless of religion or age Some very special workers make parts...
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report. Aspects of a possible confederation between a Palestinian West Bank state and the Hashemite Kingdom – not Syria...
By Harley Zipori. I hope everyone has had, and continues to have a happy holiday season. Remember, be safe. Please read...
By Ariel Ben Avraham The last portion of the first book of the Torah ends with the death of Joseph, after...
By Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks. The drama of younger and older brothers, which haunts the book of Bereishit from Cain...
Jaron Lanier was one of the creators of our current digital reality and now he wants to subvert the web before...
Presenting the fourth of five new teen-produced films! With the constant threat of Hezbollah and other terrorist organizations in Lebanon and...
A volley of rockets fired from the Gaza Strip was intercepted by the Iron Dome system. Photo Credit: Edi Israel/Flash The...
by Adam Levick of CIF WATCH The word “bravery” is pranced around way too frequently these days, but a young Arab,...
Israel “targeted” Gaza civilians with humanitarian aid while Gaza terrorists committed war crimes by firing missiles on Israelis. By Tzvi Ben...
By Yoram Getzler.The most recent Jerusalem Report issue included an article by Ron Pundak, one of the major architects of the...
IT is the religious time of the year. Step into any city in America or Britain and you will see the...
Discussion and Analysis of the latest events in the Middle East Palestinian Officials Warn Israel of Retaliation If Netanyahu Re-elected...
By A. B. Yehoshua. A prominent Israeli author gets to the bottom of the world`s oldest hatred. Editor’s note from...
By Adi Schwartz A vast diaspora was utterly annihilated, but Israelis rarely talk about it. This is a concise and detailed...
News of Israel’s Achievements and Heartwarming Stories from the Jewish State. An innovative Israeli treatment has cured five Canadians from uncontrollable...
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