Illustration by Yoseph Savan based on The Zohar . by Ariel Ben Avraham . We indicated in the beginning of these...
In one of the greatest transformations in all literature, Joseph moves in one bound from prisoner to prime minister. What was...
Thanks to the blog A Jewish Israel and by Eitan Divinsky for the collection. Ani Ve’ata (You and Me): []...
A patient (through window) undergoing non-invasive ablation for essential tremor. Photo: Courtesy Rambam Medical Center.For the first time in Israel, and with...
The Baal Shem Tov had a special custom when the month of Kislev arrived. In the evening, he would gather together...
With Chanukah just around the corner, Rabbi Sacks has written eight short thoughts, one for each night of Chanukah. Why...
Tomer Heymann worked closely with the Batsheva dancers for the last seven years, pictured here with Ohad Naharin’s vintage posters (photo...
Happy Chanukah and Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at IsraelSeen. Enjoy the videos! HANUKKAH – Heavenly LIGHTS on/of JERUSALEM []...
Long Lost Film of Jews in Israel Haaretz reports: For 80 years, the movie “The...
A “hot mic” took center stage at the UN General Assembly on Nov. 14, 2013 Photo Credit: Lori Lowenthal Marcus. In...
Photo: U.S. State of Department / Flickr. Analysts, diplomats, and journalists spent overnight Saturday and into Sunday outlining both the meaning and...
Amblyz, invented by Israeli physician Omry Ben-Ezra, wins international prize for innovation and 7,000 orders from Turkey. By Abigail Klein Leichman for...
Tel Aviv’s first ever Doggie Run gets pet owners and their dogs out into the sunshine for a good...
Illustration by Yoseph Savan based on The Zohar . by Ariel Ben Avraham . Our consciousness faces devastation with ego’s fantasies...
I hope you enjoy these photos taken on our recent trip to Jerusalem and our walks throughout Tel Aviv. ...
Art By Phillip Ratner. Commentary by Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks is a global religious leader, philosopher, the author of more than...
The Am Yisrael foundation, a new nonprofit, offers a one-stop shop of English-speaking organizations in the White City. By Debra...
Tsofen, a joint Jewish-Arab initiative, helps Israeli Arabs integrate into Israeli High-Tech []
Sec. John Kerry speaks with reporters at the U.S. Capitol on Nov. 13, 2013. Kerry is asking Congress not to approve any...
Judges leave a service to mark the beginning of the legal year in England and Wales at Westminster Abbey in London on...
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