Naftali Bennett: October 7th and the Future of Israel Prime Minister Naftali Bennett at Cyber Week 2024, Tel Aviv University (25/6/24)
PARSHAT SHLACH: RAV KOOK ON “OVERCOMING SPYFULNESS” “A world of empty chaos preceded the world of building. And light came out of...
Steve Kramer – Jews – the Eternal People? Beha’alotecha, a recent parsha (Torah selection), prominently mentions the Menorah, with its seven gold...
CTECH Latest Israeli Innovation & Technology News June 24, 2024 Why AI innovator Ilya Sutskever left OpenAI to prioritize safety and Israel’s...
Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig: Israel-Empowering Women (emphasis on POWER) The worst travesty committed by Hamas on Oct. 7 was the sexual violence perpetrated...
This Week’s Sanity Report from Israel June 23, 2024 Despite the war, nothing can stop Israelis from completing activities and innovations that...
UNPACKED: Who Are Israelis, Really? Do Muslim Arabs Serve in the IDF? Not all soldiers in the IDF are Jewish. In fact,...
Michael Oren: Israel’s Double-Edged Sword (Part II) Clarity with Michael Oren This is Part II of a three-part series on the dilemmas...
Jonathan Sacks z”l: Two Types of Leadership BEHA’ALOTECHA In this week’s parsha, Moses has a breakdown. It is the lowest emotional ebb of...
TAU: In-depth study in Israel’s Arab society One of every three Arab Israelis: External non-Palestinian body should govern life in the Gaza...
CTECH: Latest Israeli Innovation & Technology News June 18, 2024 Finaloop raises $35 million Series A for e-commerce accounting platform. The Israeli...
Arnie Draiman: Forever and Eternity: Israeli Art that Highlights Victory During Wartime photo credits: Efrat Dorel During wartime, artists often channel...
Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig: How to Deal With the Simchat Torah “Problem” Shavuot is now behind us. Given the Gaza War that Israelis...
This Week’s Sanity Report from Israel June 16, 2024 The photo is of our local flame tree (delonix regia) which are prolific...
Jonathan Feldstein: Father’s Day With Hamas Terrorists It’s not every day that I read headlines at home in Israel and think of...
Michael Oren: Iron Dome: Israel’s Double-Edged Sword (Part I) The Almost Impenetrable Dome Clarity with Michael Oren At 6:28 in the morning...
How Gaza terror groups manipulate media and spread false narratives HonestReporting We explain how terror groups like Islamic Jihad spread false narratives...
PARSHAT NASO: RAV KOOK on ‘THE VOICE OF PEACE’ At the center of Parshat Naso (6:22-26), we find the following instructions to...
Israel And It’s Contribution To The World Thanks to AI-Writer Historical Overview Of Israel’s Development Israel’s historical trajectory is a tapestry...
Jonathan Sacks z”l – The Pursuit of Peace NASO The parsha of Naso seems, on the face of it, to be a heterogeneous collection...
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