by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
The Palestinian Authority TV’s weekly game show between competing Palestinian universities continues to deny Israel’s existence through the questions posed to the quiz contestants.
Last week, three different questions and matching answers on The Stars all reflected a world view in which Israel does not exist.
One PA TV quiz answer taught that the length of “Palestine’s” coast was 235 km. Gaza’s coastline is only 45 km. long and Israel’s Mediterranean coastline is approximately 190 km. long. Presenting “Palestine’s” coast as 235 km. presents a world in which all of Israel is “Palestine.”
Another quiz answer described the Israeli city of Nazareth as a “Palestinian city.” A third answer taught that the size of “Palestine” was 27,000 sq. km. – an area that includes all of the State of Israel, as well as the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The West Bank and Gaza Strip comprise less than 7,000 sq. km.
PA TV is under the direct control of PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’s office.
It should also be noted that PA TV displayed the EU logo as background throughout the quiz.
Click to view PA TV quiz show questions and answers
See recent PMW reports on:
PA TV quiz denying Israel’s existence
PA TV documentary denying Israel’s existence
The success of PA education of youth to envision a world without Israel
PA TV introduced The Stars TV program in November 2009. The first season was funded by the European Union and the quiz questions all related to Europe, covering such topics as history, geography, personalities, government, culture, arts, and sports. Each program featured competing representatives from two Palestinian Authority universities or colleges. The first competition ended in January 2010, and the last program showed a prize ceremony with the participation of Minister of Welfare Majda Al-Masri; Minister of Prisoners’ Affairs Issa Karake; and director of the MAAN news agency, Nasser A-Lahham.
In May 2010, PA TV announced a new season of the program, which is being sponsored by the cell phone company Jawwal. Although the prominent use of the EU logo suggests that this season is also sponsored by the EU, Palestinian Media Watch has been unable to verify whether this is the case.
Following are the transcripts of the three questions denying Israel’s existence on the PA TV quiz show The Stars:
Palestine Polytechnic team – your answer was correct.
The answer is ‘false.’ It’s 235 km.
[Note: 235 km is distance from southern Gaza to Israel’s northernmost point.]
[True or false:] “The Palestinian city known as ‘the Chamomile of Palestine’ is Haifa.
The answer is ‘false.’ [Correct answer is] Nazareth.
[Note: Nazareth is an Israeli city.]
Here is a simple question. The area of Palestine is:
1. 27,000
2. 51,000 sq. km.
3. 81,000 sq. km.”
Student: “The answer is 27,000 sq. km.”
TV host: “Of course, we should all know the area of Palestine. 27,000 sq. km. That is the correct answer.”
[Note: 27,000 sq. km. includes the area of Israel, the West Bank and Gaza.]