
One Family – Overcoming Terror Together

One Family – Overcoming Terror Together

Wounded Mother Unconscious, Baby Still in Jeopardy


For Shira and Amichai Ishran, the future was full of hope and joy. Shira was 30 weeks pregnant, and the couple was thrilled to prepare for the baby’s arrival in just a matter of weeks.


In one instant, all that changed. All at once, a beautiful young family has been shattered by terror.


Sunday night – the last night of Chanukah – the terrorists drove up to a crowded bus stop and began shooting. First the pregnant Shira fell, then her husband, then four other people, including a 17-year-old girl who is still in the hospital.


The bullet hit Shira in her the stomach, just below the fetus. Amichai was hit in the leg. They were rushed to the hospital with Shira in critical condition and losing blood quickly.


Their baby boy was delivered prematurely in an emergency cesarean. He is fighting for his life as you read this. Doctors face the enormous challenge of reversing the effects of Shira blood loss before he was delivered.


Both Shira and Amichai are still in the hospital. Shira remains unconscious in the Intensive Care Unit. She briefly regained consciousness and managed to communicate non-verbally with her parents, Liora and Chaim Silverstein, an immigrant from South Africa.


OneFamily has reached out to the family to offer assistance and support in this difficult time. We are at their side as they face the long road of recovery. We will stay at their side as long as they need us so that they never feel alone.


Now we are reaching out to you. Please donate to ensure that the family has everything it needs to face the long road ahead, to provide for their material and emotional needs.


Please show them that they are not alone. This is the time to show you care.


Please give generously and help rebuild the future that terrorists tried to uproot. As former Israeli MK Dov Lipman noted, “Eyewitnesses report that the Arab terrorists aimed specifically at this 21-year-old woman who was visibly pregnant.


“That’s the enemy we in Israel and everyone in the free world are fighting against.”


Prayer is important. Please pray for the recovery of Shira Yael bat Liora Sara, Amichai Yishai ben Feiga Gitel Galila, and Tinok ben Shira Yael. 

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