Dr. Richard L. Rubenstein, author of “Jihad and Genocide”, Harvard Phd, Yale fellow, “Distinguished Professor of the Year”, and Harvard Phd, states that president Obama’s intention is to “correct the historical mistake of the creation of the state of Israel.” Dr. Rubenstein states that president Obama due to his family heritage is extremely pro Muslim – to the point of “wanting to see the destruction of Israel.”
The interview was filmed at the recent New English Review Symposium, “Decline, Fall and Islam” held in Nashville, Tennessee on June 18th and 19th, 2010. This will be the first of several video interviews with presenters at the NER Symposium. Dr. Rubenstein discusses his presentation and states that President Obama’s intention is to “correct the historical mistake of the creation of the state of Israel.” Dr. Rubenstein states that president Obama due to his family heritage is extremely pro Muslim – to the point of “wanting to see the destruction of Israel.”