
Obama and Israel Is He Good for Us

I have read and seen many items about Obama’s past including his Muslim connection. He also has befriended people that have been consistently outspoken in their hatred of Israel and Jews. Some have even openly opposed the existence of the State of Israel.

This is from the web site by Pamela Geller: Atlas Shrugs “There are consequential, disturbing revelations to be found when flipping through the visitors list at the White House. Bill Ayers is there no less than three times, Louis Farrakhan at least once, but there is also a separate visit for his family, and the infamous hater Jeremiah Wright is there at least five times (four times under Jeremy, one under Jeremiah). Contemptuously, Farrakhan’s visit is tagged as “MEETING WITH SCIENCE CLUB MEMBERS”…Al Sharpton is there twice, and Jesse “hymietown” Jackson is a regular (six times)” “The White House visitors list was updated yesterday indicating, yet again, the influence of malevolent corrupting forces as displayed here: WHITE HOUSE EXPOSED: Farrakhan, Ayers, Wright, Sharpton, Jackson are in the house”.”In the March update, notorious Jew-hater George Soros and J Street jewicidals, and pro-jihad arabist James Zogby were frequent visitors in December — a veritible anti-semites’ orgy.”

I can no longer remain silent. His connections to the most dubious people in the Muslim world and the monies and support he has received in the past only adds to his present action of humiliating and trashing the Prime Minster of one of the strongest allies America has in the world: Israel.

This latest episode in Washington has given the worst haters and extremists a field day and an open proclamation to go after Israel and its people anyway they want to with the tacit support of the U.S. administration. Hamas and the entire Arab world in fact have taken up the banner of no need to sit down with Israel and discuss a 2 State solution when the U.S. is openly at odds with its so-called “friend”.

This creates an opportunity for these extremists to attempt the final solution and total destruction of Israel using international pressure to de-legitimize the Jewish State. Everyone appears to be getting on the bandwagon since Obama has given the green light.

I have never really felt comfortable getting involved with Jews in the States regarding their attitude towards Israel. It is their right to support any organization for any reason that involves advocacy for or against Israel and its government. But, when American Jews and others living outside Israel think that they have a right to use Israel/Jews for their personal political agendas that threaten the lives of our children through policies that are dangerous to our well being, that is when I say ENOUGH. Just because you may be Jewish doesn’t give you the right to think you have a say in our future. You do not!

Obama administration appears to be walking down a very dangerous path with their latest policy toward Israel. I do not trust Obama and feel strongly that he is not a friend of Israel and not particularly friendly to Jews. Yes, he has received Jewish money in Chicago and has Jewish court jesters by his side. However, that is not a strong enough and compelling argument to deflect the terrible tragedy he is perpetrating in his ego battle with Netanyahu.

The latest Jerusalem Post March 26th editorial reflects some of my concerns. This part in particular: “For all its honey coating, the secretary of state’s speech was replete with advice and demands that rang awkwardly, and worse, in the Israeli prime minister’s circle. She lectured on the untenability of the status quo, as though this was news to Israel. She urged Israelis, like their ancestors leaving Egypt, to take risks and seek new avenues to peace, as though Yitzhak Rabin, Ehud Barak, Ariel Sharon and Ehud Olmert had not sought compromise and been rebuffed. She disingenuously misidentified Hamas, rather than Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah, as the prime force behind the honoring of the perpetrator of the Coastal Road massacre with a square in al-Bireh.

But it was the two sentences on those ostensibly shared Netanyahu and Abbas “paths” that fell flattest of all.

If only, was the bitter response to the top American diplomat’s assertion that Abbas had placed the Palestinians firmly on that peaceful route. In Binyamin Netanyahu’s view, underlined by his public comments during this fraught visit to the US, the Palestinians haven’t shown the slightest readiness to progress.”

Obama is dangerous for Israel and his support for people that have seriously hostile opinions about Jews and Israel only supports my concern. I pray that all the screaming on the internet about, Obama’s real motives are not true. If these rumors turn out to be true then we are all in for a very ugly and dangerous global situation no one wants to even imagine.

Lastly, debkafile’s Middle East sources report that this latest turn of events in US-Israeli relations makes naught of American leaders’ constant affirmations of commitment to Israel’s security. Iran, Syria, Hizballah, Hamas and Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas are acutely sensitive to the slightest crack in American support for Israel and ready with tactics for widening the rift. They will now drive hard to separate the Obama administration from America’s historic military backing for the Jewish state”.

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