This a Press Release from NGO Monitor. I am putting this on the site because I believe that this information has been sorely lacking in the main-stream media. In all fairness, we must address this kind of abuse by NGO’s that blatantly misuse public funds for political purposes often at Israel’s expense.
(Jerusalem) In NGO Monitor’s latest report into government funding of NGOs, the Jerusalem based watchdog has revealed that the activities of many of the NGOs receiving funding from Irish Aid contradict the guidelines and foreign policy goals of the Irish government.
Irish Aid is administered through a division of the Republic of Ireland’s Department of Foreign Affairs. While its declared objectives are to promote “peace and justice” through a “commitment to human rights and fairness in international relations”, Irish Aid funds highly biased and conflict-fuel ing NGOs such as Trocaire, Al Haq, PCHR, War on Want, World Vision, ICAHD, PARC, and Christian Aid. These and other NGOs are engaged in intense political advocacy campaigns directed against Israel, including promotion of boycotts and the rhetoric of demonization.
NGO Monitor’s report concludes that Irish Aid’s emphasis on “peace and justice”, and development, as well as its claim to, “support specific actions designed to promote human rights,” are undermined by support for the rejectionist Palestinian narrative and political campaigns promoted by many of the NGOs that Irish Aid is funding and supporting.
Click here to read the full report:
For further information, comment and interviews, please call +972 (0) 526-328-795.
Editors Notes:
This report NGO Monitor report on Irish Aid continues our series of analyses which have included the EU, UK, Sweden, and others. NGO Monitor was founded to promote transparency, critical analysis and debate on the political role of human rights organizations. For more information, see our website at
Other recent publications and reports by NGO Monitor include:-
Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) Funding for anti-Israel NGOs – July 24,
Center for Constitutional Rights: Serial Abuse of International Law – July 17
French Government Funding of Political NGOs – July 09