
New Inventions – Discoveries – Investments in Israel

Exciting news and innovations from Israel. A superpower in unmanned combat vehicles

Israel is a world leader in developing unmanned vehicles for military operations on land, sea and air; examples:

Airborne Ambulance that transmits medical details of the wounded on board, silent hovercraft to assist infantry troops in the battle-field, Fast boat that pinpoints naval mines, patrol vehicle capable to locate and fire at suspects, Long range bomber, reconnaissance drone… all operated by remote control.

in Hebrew use translator below

Good news for MS patients

Positive results in multiple sclerosis study: Brainsway Ltd reported positive results in a safety and efficacy trial of its non-invasive proprietary coil to stimulate the motor cortex for the lower limbs in patients with advanced Multiple Sclerosis – MS. The trial was conducted on 23 patients; those who received the treatment showed a clear statistical improvement. No side effects were recorded.

 Read more at >Good news for Schizophrenia patients

FDA approved Teva’s generic Zyprexa for the treatment of schizophrenia.  Zyprexa can cost up to $500 a month, the generic version could cut the cost by 80%. Zyprexa is one of a new class of treatments for schizophrenia that effect dopamine levels in the brain to influence behavior, mood and movement. The drug s came into widespread use in the 1990s, replacing earlier treatments because they were less likely to cause muscle tremors, spasms and other side effects.

Treating and Curing Diabetes

A team led by Dr. Eli Lewis at Ben-Gurion University are on the verge of a breakthrough that is bringing the world closer to finding a cure for diabetes. They’re discovering ways to create minimally invasive treatment options that will have a profound impact on the daily lives of diabetics and their families. The team at Ben-Gurion University is working in conjunction with researchers at Harvard and at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center on a new technique that might just become the be-all and the end-all to treatment of and a cure f or diabetes.

A lot more information at >


Owls and Kestrels replaced pesticides


The eradication of pests by chemical pesticides is dangerous to human and the environment, causing serious diseases. Israelis developed the “quite extermination” – a highly effective natural hunting solution using barn-owls and kestrels. A pair of barn-owls can catch 2000 &g t; 5000 damaging rodents a year improving agricultural yield by 24%.  1640 nesting boxes were built and spread in 7 areas throughout Israel to increase the population of owls and Kestrels. The rats, for example, which nested in the clusters of dates causing big damages – disappeared. Over the past 10 years, Chemical pesticides are no longer used to exterminate rodents in thousands of acers of intensive Israeli agriculture – thanks to the owls at night and the Kestrels at day time”.

Curtsey of Miriam Shelef         see this amazing video at>



Dead Sea; facts and figures

– The lowest place on earth, 423 meters (1388 feet) below sea level.

– The salt & minerals concentration 33.7%,compared with salt concentration in the Mediterranean Sea, which is 3.5%.

– The high salt content makes possible the unique floating experience enjoyed by bathers in the Dead Sea.

– Each spring and autumn some half a billion migratory birds fly over this Valley. Many stay for long periods.

– Potassium;extracted from Dead Sea, is the chief fertilizer for agricultural growth in many countries worldwide.

– The date palm is one of the oldest crops in the Dead Sea region. The region contains 618 acres of date palms.

– Another Dead Sea region crop is basil, which also finds its way to Italian markets.

– Hundreds of thousands tourists come for therapeutic vacation –all year round.

– 24 Israeli firms produce cosmetics and health products based on Dead-Sea minerals – Cannot supply the demand.,7340,L-4138843,00.html

Economy & infrastructure;                                                                                                          

China invests big money in Israel

‘ChemChina’ acquired part of Israel’s ‘Agan Machteshim’ Chemicals for $2.4 Billion. Agan is the world’s leader in branded crop protection solutions. With 6 decades of experience and an impeccable reputation for quality, value and environmental responsibility, the company has successfully grown into a global powerhouse offering a complete portfolio of crop protection products.


IEC to build a $1.3 BN solar energy plant in China

Israel Electric Corporation will build a $1.3 billion project of photovoltaic solar energy in China.

A Chinese manufacturer will supply the PV panels for this 240 mega-watt project. IEC will own 50% of the company in China.IEC to date include a coal-fired power station in South Africa, a wind energy project in Bulgaria and the construction of power stations in Cyprus and Greece. IEC is also in talks on designing power stations in India and Nigeria.


Israel-China link is rapidly growing

A new industrial initiative in Wujin Changzhou established for Israeli companies.

Also a plan to teach Israel studies at Chinese Universities.

Eric Zhao, vice director of the investment bureau, was recently in Tel Aviv wooing a group of those very businessmen; “Israeli businessmen are clever, hardworking and serious — similar to Chinese businessmen, Israeli companies have high knowledge and strong growth potential.

– See the impressive list of Israeli companies successful in China at >


 Chinese to build railway to Eilat

< Transportation minister Israel Katz, visiting in Beijing, signed an agreement to construct a railway along the Negev to Eilat.Katz visit to China led to the advancement of transportation initiatives with China. Israel plans to invest $ 27 billion in roads and trains in the next 5 years, and the Chinese are to have a significant part in the projects. Chinese will also set up the Haifa-Carmiel railway, a fter the successful construction of the Carmel Tunnels.,7340,L-4137345,00.html


Shenyangto build copy of Ramat-Gan Diamond Exchange District in its own city

A delegation from the Shenyang, China, visited its Israeli twin city Ramat-Gan recently, and decided to build a similar diamond exchange in China. The Israeli diamond center is the largest in the world –attracting diamond dealers from all over the globe. (The museum of precious stones is an interesting place to visit).

– Export of polished diamonds and Jewelry in the 3rd quarter of 2011 totaled $ 5.83 Billion – 37% more than in the third quarter of last year. Export of raw diamonds in the 3rd quarter rose by 31% to $ 2.98 Billion.,7340,L-4137348,00.html

 *  *


  Mayor Bloomberg Dedicated New Magen David Adom Center    


New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg is in Jerusalem to dedicate the new William H. Bloomberg Magen David Adom (MDA) Center named in memory of his father. The emergency health care facility will serve the area’ s 1.2 million residents.The building features pedestrian walkways, access roads and separate parking levels for private cars and MDA Ambulances, significantly improving ‘Magen David Adom’ ability to get on the road to answer urgent calls. In addition to new quarters for crews, a training center and classrooms, offices and meeting rooms, there will be a new dispatch center and a blood bank.

See this video >


Celebrating Centennial of Jewish Federation of Greater LA in Israel      

October 25 > 31st; 400 Jewish community members from Los Angeles, the sister city of Tel Aviv, are here in celebration of the 100th anniversary of The Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles. Participants include prominent Jewish community leaders and philanthropists from Los Angeles, as well as congregants of synagogues traveling with their rabbis and spiritual leaders.

See the itineraries at



              Cornell and the Technion partner in NYC Tech Campus

New York City/Haifa, Israel — Cornell University and The Technion – Israel Institute of Technology announced a new partnership to create a world-class applied science and engineering campus in New York City, as outlined by Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

The NYCTech Campus on Roosevelt Island will combine the full spectrum of their academic strengths, as well as Cornell’s entrepreneurial culture and deep connection to the city’s emerging tech sector and the Technion‘s global leadership in commercialization and technology transfer. T his partnership will transform New York City into a world hub of innovation and technology commercialization.

         Courtesy of Garrick G. Weiss


Invitation to ‘Watec 2011’

Following the successful WATEC 2009 event – attended by thousands of visitors from 94 countries – you are cordially invited to participate in – ‘WATEC 2011’ at Tel-Aviv exhibition center 15-17 November 2011. .      


First “Magic Wand” unit

After the deployment of the Iron Dome missile defense system, which has provided southern Israel with limited yet efficient protection from short range missiles Qasam and Grad, IDF establishes the first Magic Wand system, designed to thwart mid and long-rage missiles to central Israel.Magic Wand can operate under all weather conditions, and is capable of changing course in mid-flight. The system is designed against longer-range missiles (over 70 Km) fired from Gaza and Lebanon. The ballistic imaging center can detect the launching of projectiles toward Israel from all fronts and determine which defense system should be activated.

The Iron Dome, Magic Wand and Arrow 3 combine the multilayer defense apparatus.

 See video,7340,L-4139576,00.html

Thanks to Yosi Behar and John Poris for the compilation

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