This post was beautifully written by Lihi Lapid – one of our Israel Buddies. Lihi writes in Hebrew in her very inspirational blog in original Hebrew. Lihi Lapid is also the wife of Finance Minister Yair Lapid.
by vibeisrael in Mommy Bloggers
I hereby vow to cease and desist my ridiculous, endless, and aggravating attempts to maintain a sparklingly spotless home, squeaky clean at any given moment in time.
Because I never could.
From now on I’ll only straighten up when guests are expected. And not a minute before. Because the price for perfection is too high!
And don’t even think of arriving unexpectedly, because I won’t open the door.
I hereby withdraw from the race to be groomed and clothed according to the latest fashion.
Tapered, wide, high, low, knee-length, calf-length… enough!
After having made the supreme effort on several occasions, with the result that I ended up looking more laughable than lovely, I hereby free myself from the dictates of fashion.
From now on, I wear only what suits me and flatters me.
Let the fashion designers eat their hearts out. They’ve lost me.
I hereby renounce any shoe that is uncomfortable.
So, old friends, we must now part. I’m coming back down to my natural height.
And I’m once again entertaining the possibility of running when I’m late, dancing when I’m happy, and generally walking around in comfort without longing for the moment I can get home and kick you off my feet.
I hereby give up my dream of a stomach that is flat and smooth as a crystal mirror, and of thighs that remind one of long spaghetti.
It was never going to happen.
I will sometimes sin by eating too many sweets, I’ll wolf down a sandwich too late in the day, and I may even grab some chips.
Then, as the only punishment for my sins that I’m prepared to accept, I’ll exercise – so long as my body agrees and doesn’t yell stop.
Because no modeling campaign is depending on me. But mainly, because I can. I’m a grown-up.
I hereby relinquish the need for everyone to think I’m wonderful.
I’m always happy to help out, but I’ve learned that a lot of the time I try too hard, and I give too much. And then I get annoyed. I get annoyed that it’s accepted as par for the course and gets taken for granted.
From now on, I’ll give only as much as it suits me to give, only as much as I feel like.
I hereby cancel my availability at every hour of the day or night, for any emerging crisis or heart-to-heart talk – mainly because you never ask if I’m available.
Yes I do, I screen calls. Leave me a message and I promise to call back. It’s nothing personal. It’s just that I’m not available at the moment. And I’ll accept the same from you with understanding.
I hereby forgo the need to be constantly precise, efficient and well-organized.
I’m always trying so hard that just when it’s really important, I’m out of steam and I mess up.
I won’t be the world’s most dedicated employee, nor the most active member of the Parent Teachers Association, nor will I always be the first to arrive.
I’m sorry… I can’t always be wonderful.
I hereby waive the practice of keeping count.
I’m not interested in who called whom more often, who forgot my birthday, or whether he brought flowers on Valentine’s Day.
Because love and friendship are not acts of balancing books for examination on particular dates of the calendar.
I soundly renounce the status of being the one who’s waiting and the one who’s disappointed … of being the one who waits for someone to offer help. When I need a kind word, a shoulder to lean on, a hug, or some help, I’ll simply say so.
I promise.
And you say so too. Forgive me, but I don’t understand hints.
I hereby inform myself in no uncertain terms that I forgo being Mother of the Year. Because that’s another thing I can’t do.
There are always going to be mothers with more energy for adventure, with more patience, mothers that are more involved, more understanding, mothers who are better at setting boundaries, who are more indulgent, mothers who are simply more successful.
But there’s no mother in the world who loves you, my dear children, like I do. And if need be, I’ll bring you the moon, even at midday.
But I can’t do that every minute of every day.
Forgive me.
I hereby cancel feeling tormented. The kind of torment you feel when you’ve tried so hard to be wonderful all of the time, smiling, sweet, organized, superior, excelling at everything and in all things perfect.
Because that’s one more thing I could never do.
So from now on, I won’t try quite so hard, and I’ll feel somewhat less tormented.
And I’ll be a little nicer to myself.
It’s no more than I deserve. After all, I’ve been pretty good.
And I’m sure everyone around me will only benefit.
I feel freer already.
And better with myself.
And it feels good.
All photographs were taken by Lihi Lapid and posted with her permission.