Today we feature Natasha Shine Zirkel. She has been selected as one of Geektime’s 2013 Startup Marketers of the Year. Our friend Michael is the proud father of this amazing woman. Geektime singled out startup professionals in Israel’s high-tech scene for some standout recognition.
Here is Natasha’s bio:
Natasha Shine-Zirkel – CMO
Natasha oversees Rounds’ public relations, SEO, corporate blogs,
community management, viral marketing, advertising, retention and business development efforts. She launched an innovative internship program in 2009 that has brought interns to work at Rounds from around the world. Previously, Shine-Zirkel served as compliance coordinator at online payment solutions company SafeCharge. Prior to that, she was coordinator for the Zell Entrepreneurship Program, an acclaimed venture creation course for outstanding, undergraduate entrepreneurs, at IDC Herzliya. Born in London, raised in California and immigrated to Israel in 2005, Shine-Zirkel holds an associate’s degree in business administration from Irvine Valley College in South Orange County, California and a bachelor’s degree in marketing and finance from The IDC Herzliya.
We also want to acknowledge the rest of the wonderfully talented professionals Geektime mentions: Link GEEKTIME
Top’, ‘the best’, ‘#1’; these are all terms used in a given kind of post to try and single out a group of professionals as being at the forefront of their respective fields. But the truth is, who’s to say what constitutes being the ‘best’? It’s nearly impossible to find a set of criteria that cuts across differing products, niche markets, experience gaps and a host of other mitigating factors that go into labeling someone as the #1 in their field in a way that is both fair and definitive. And yet, all this shouldn’t deny some very impressive people a certain degree of well deserved recognition. Geektime has singled out groups of ten Israeli startup professionals in several categories, each for their own special reason, and asked them a range of revealing questions, the best answers of which were turned into the posts you will see published here on Geektime. Below are Geektime’s 2013 Israeli Startup Marketing Professionals of the year, selected for the reason’s depicted herein, and in no particular order: