Michael Shine

Michael Shine – How I see It, A short Opinion Piece

Michael Shine – How I see It, A short Opinion Piece

Over the last couple of days, whilst rockets and mortars were being fired indiscriminately into Israel I have seen more than a few comments along the lines of “Nuke Gaza” or “Send in the troops “ to finish off Hamas, all no doubt well meaning, but ignorant of the reality.

We, that is the majority of Israelis, hate and detest Hamas and the Iranian led “Islamic Jihad”. Nothing would give us greater pleasure than ridding the world of this vermin, but, a land incursion would be counterproductive and potentially cost the lives of some of the cream of Israel’s future.

It is very easy for armchair generals sitting in the relative safety of “wherever” in the UK, Europe and the USA they are comfortably complaining from, to advocate sending in the troops to bash Hamas.

Unfortunately from previous experience we know that sending in the troops will cost the lives of IDF troops and what would actually be achieved? The satisfaction of some revenge perhaps?

The reality is that the Israeli government looks at more than that. We do have sympathy and empathy for the Gazan civilians. We don’t want or need for more world sympathy for the “poor downtrodden fake Palestinians” who suffer under the yoke of their thieving and corrupt Hamas leaders.

Slowly, very slowly, the world is beginning to see the Hamas and Jihadist terrorists for what they are – and I assure you, the reason why Hamad pled for a ceasefire was the reintroduction of targeted assassinations of Hamad leaders (as occurred yesterday).

Yes, I have a grandson shortly going into the IDF and no, I don’t want him put in harm’s way just to satisfy the revengeful cravings of somebody,  who knows little of what he speaks.



IDF objectives reached but Gaza still a major threat

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