Michael Shine

Michael Shine : Hamas co-founder speaks of a world with “no Zionism or treacherous Christianity,”

Mahmoud al-Zahar smirking (R) 311 (photo credit: Reuters)

Michael Shine: Hamas co-founder speaks of a world with “no Zionism or treacherous Christianity,”

“It is so frustrating, so absolutely frustrating, that except for brave intelligent writers and commentators such as Melanie Phillips and Douglas Murray, most British, European and American members of parliaments and governments refuse to accept, or refuse to admit, that their acceptance of millions of Muslims, both legal and illegal immigrants into their countries, have become and will continue to be a major risk to their culture, to their society and their civilization. They are naïve in the extreme. Look at the pro-Hamas demonstrations happening all over the world, who is organizing, paying for, and leading them?


This is not a racist statement as I do not hate all Muslims or all Arabs or any combination of the two, but what I am 100% certain of, is that the vast majority of them hate me. The vast majority of them want me dead. Why is that? One, because I am Jewish, and two, because I live in Israel. And not just me, but all Jewish people and all Israelis.  How do I know this to be true? Because their leaders are constantly saying it. They are teaching it in their schools and they are preaching it from their Mosques.


An example: https://worldisraelnews.com/not-just-israel-hamas-vows-to-cleanse-world-of-christianity/


There are plenty of other examples, but that was just one.


When the TERRORIST organization Hamas, on October 7th, yes the ones that were elected by the people of Gaza and the ones that continue to govern Gaza, carried out their horrendous barbaric attacks on women, children, old pensioners, and babies (beheading some babies and gang-raping young girls, and violently killing and torturing others), the voices of Arab and Muslim condemnation of the atrocities were hardly heard anywhere. There were some, for which I personally am grateful, but they were significantly tiny in number. On the contrary, the ‘innocent civilian’ people in Gaza, and Arabs in Judea & Samaria were busy handing out sweets and cakes in the streets to celebrate the Hamas victory. In England, Europe, America, and Australia demonstrations were calling for more terror and more Israeli deaths. Of course, they were supported by useful idiots such as the ex-leader of the UK Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn, his brother Pierce, and similar ignorant individuals such as Roger Waters or Susan Sarandon.


I am amazed by the absolute ignorant naiveté of the Western world who keep preaching that if we (Israel) would only sit down and talk peace the Arab and Muslim world would talk peace too. Are these people just stupid or stupidly ignorant? Since the re-emergence of the state of Israel in 1948 the Arab world had had many opportunities for a separate state, for the so-called Palestinians (which was an entity thought up by the terrorist Egyptian Yasser Arafat, who by the way learnt his terrorism in Russia, and the Russian KGB), but each time it has been refused. Instead, they have started wars and financed terrorism using money donated, quite frequently by the naïve Western world. It is not about land it is all about their hatred!


See a history here: https://israelseen.com/howard-epstein-the-state-of-israel-some-basic-truths/


As Golda Meir said: “We are the only country in the world whose neighbours do not say, “We are going to war because we want a certain piece of land from Israel,” or waterways or anything of that kind. We’re the only people in the world where our neighbours openly announce they just won’t have us here. And they will not give up fighting and they will not give up war as long as we remain alive”.


And what about the re-emergence of anti-Semitism around the world? Let us be clear, it is not new anti-Semitism, it is the same as they had in Nazi Germany in the 1930s, supported strongly by Ukrainians I might add, the same as they had in the pogroms of Russia in the late 19th century, and the same that there has been throughout the centuries, frequently led by the Catholic Church. It is not new, but they now have the confidence to come out of the woodwork like the ignorant insects that they are.


As Edmond Burke is continually quoted as saying – “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”


If you, dear reader, think that what I have said here is exaggerated or untrue, now is the time for your voice to be heard. Silence is complicity with the terrorists and the racist Anti-Semites.


I repeat, for what it is worth, I just want to live and be allowed to live in PEACE.

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