
MEMRI – Jordanian TV Host Rana Hmouz: We Want to Gouge out the Eyes of the Zionists and Their Supporters

MEMRI – Jordanian TV Host Rana Hmouz: We Want to Gouge out the Eyes of the Zionists and Their Supporters

Jordanian TV host Rana Hmouz said in a November 12, 2019 show on Jordan Today TV that the recent transfer of the Baqoura and Ghumar borderlands from Israeli to Jordanian control fills Jordanians’ hearts with joy. Using puns and plays on words, Hmouz said that the Jordanian people want similar decisions that will allow them to trample the Israel-Jordan peace agreement, the gas and water agreements, and all of Israel underfoot. She said: “We want to gouge out the eyes of the Zionists and their [Arab] supporters [and to] annul the peace agreement in support of the blood of our martyrs and the Arab identity of Palestine.” In May 2019, Hmouz and Jordan Today TV’s owner Mohammad Ajlouni were detained for one week, after Jordanian Gendarmerie Director General Husein Hawatmeh had filed a defamation complaint against them.


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