
Meet IDF’s first responder to wounded Syrians in need of medical attention.

seg yogev    Sgt. Mayan Yogev, IDF’s first responder to wounded Syrians in need of medical attention. ‘She grants every Syrian in need of help medical care without hesitation, as if they’re IDF soldiers,’ soldiers praise, ‘her goal is saving lives, regardless’


Yoav Zitun for Ynetnews


Sgt. Mayan Yogev is probably the busiest paramedic in the IDF: As part of her role as paramedic for the Nahal‘s scouting brigade, which patrols Israel’s Golan Heights on the Syrian border, she has become the IDF’s first responder along what has recently becomes Israel’s most pressing border region.

After a number of strenuous months, during which she took care of hundreds of wounded Syrians, she and her brothers in arms will head south for training. “During the last months she has seen things that your average paramedic sees in a decade,” a senior Nahal commander said.

“She (Sgt. Yogev) never hesitates. There were dire situations in which she had to give on-the-field care to a victim with a gun shot wound to the head or perform a tracheotomy on 12-year-old girl in critical condition.”


The IDF refuses to give exact numbers, but according to estimates, Israel has taken in over 800 wounded Syrians. Those in serious condition where taken to local hospitals while others received care in the IDF’s field hospital, which was founded last March and is located in one of the army’s border outposts.


The border has been so busy with wounded Syrians that a reserve medical brigade training in the Golan was sent to aid the makeshift hospital in its workload.


‘Her goal is saving lives, regardless’

Sgt. Yogev, a 20-year-old from Kibbutz Tzova near Jerusalem, does more than offer care for wounded Syrians. As a combat-paramedic she has also participated in IDF operations along the volatile Syrian border, including ambushes, fighting side-by-side with the elite male soldiers of the Nahal.

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