Yorams' blogs

Letter to Haaretz, re: Leaving the Zionist ghetto

Interview of Avraham Burg by Ari Shavit Jun 8 ‘07

I can well understand, share and empathies with the disappointment, discomfort and anger that Ari Shavit experiences and shares with us as a result of his interview with Avraham Burg (Magazine, June 8 ’07). It was a very uncomfortable revelation by Mr. Burg of the insights and conclusions he has arrived at concerning our society and culture. In addition some of Mr. Burg’s statements were, I agree, also offensive. Ironically, it seems to me that Mr.
Burg is giving expression to his own sense of fear. That fear is another variation of the very fear he observes, disparages and is critical of in his fellow Israelis.

Over all I would say that Mr. Burg is fundamentally accurate in his analysis of the situation in the country. What I find faulty are the personal conclusions and actions he takes as a result. They are I believe his personal expression of the fear that he perceives in his fellow Israelis.

Who can deny that as a community of human beings who have experienced what we have over the past two millennia, we Jews are a deeply wounded entity? The losses to our physical body, the millions that have been murdered by our enemies, whose enmity is undeserved. The additional millions who have deserted the community in reaction to the violence directed against us. These losses of vital physical mass, along with the unrelenting hatred often directed at us by The Nations, has taken has had its unsurprising results. In this weakened condition we suffer, as does an individual suffering the same debilitating process, from a deep fatigue that inhibits our ability to think and reason calmly, rationally or with equanimity. Is it any wonder after all we have experienced that we react by making foolish, inappropriate and often self defeating policy decisions? In fact it is a major accomplishment and expression of our deep faith in all creation and mankind itself that we have done as much good for ourselves and the entire human community in the few years of our independence.

All this leads me to believe that what is called for is compassion towards Mr. Burg, and toward all his and our fellow Israelis. Mr. Burg would do well to practice and experience towards himself and his fellow Israelis.

At this point in human as well as Jewish history, compassion is very much a proper, appropriate and needed response to all those who are engaged in the struggle between the Land of Israel and the State of Israel, those who wear the blue ribbon and the orange one, between The Left and The Right, between secular and religious, in fact between all of us.

Compassion is needed not only for all our people but for our neighbors and all mankind!

Yoram Getzler

Moshav Aminadav

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